V-Dem - Global Standards, Local Knowledge Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) is an approach to conceptualization and measurement of democracy. This fundamentally different approach to democratization is made possible by the V-Dem Database, which measures 600+ indicators annually from 1789 to the present for all countries of the world. It is one of the largest ever social science data collection programs.
V-Dem is collecting data on various aspects of democracy tied to the core of electoral democracy as well as six varying properties: liberal, majoritarian, consensual, participatory, deliberative and egalitarian dimensions of democracy. The resulting database makes possible both highly detailed, nuanced analysis of virtually all aspects of democracy in a country, and quick, summary comparisons between countries based on aggregated indices for varieties of democracy. V-Dem produces this Working Paper Series to disseminate results from the measures of components, principles, and varieties of democracy and their determinants. The research explores, for instance, exogenous and endogenous factors of democratization, effects of democracy and democratization, and the development of different components of democracy at the national level as well as across sub-national levels.
Global Reach of V-Dem Institute Working Paper Series
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