To honor the 30th anniversary of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, SSRN has created a research hub on Poverty which highlights early-stage research focusing on the lack of access to basic needs such as food, clean water, clothing, health care, education, shelter, and even transportation for many individuals. This hub presents curated insights across many disciplines that may inform the ongoing conversation about poverty.
Hub Page:
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Hub Page:
SSRN's Poverty Hub highlights early-stage research focusing on the rise of inequalities in opportunity and income. Each year, the gap between the rich and poor gets even wider, with 1.3 billion people still living in poverty - almost half of whom are children and youth. Poverty is not an economic issue alone; it is a phenomenon that encompasses both the lack of income as well as the basic ability to live in dignity. Those living in poverty experience many deprivations that prevent them from realizing their rights and perpetuate their poverty, including dangerous work conditions, unsafe housing, lack of nutritious food, unequal access to justice, lack of political power, and limited access to health care.
This year marks the 35th anniversary of the World Day to Overcome Extreme Poverty and the 30th anniversary of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This Day honors the millions of people suffering from poverty and recognizes the essential global solidarity and shared responsibility we hold to eradicate poverty and combat all forms of discrimination.
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SSRN supports open access by allowing authors to upload papers to the platform for free through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at - and by providing free downloading of those papers.
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