We are pleased to announce the creation of Physics Research Network (PhysicsRN), which focuses on 27 major areas of scholarship. SSRN's newest network provides a worldwide online community for physics scholars and for the sharing of ideas across a broad spectrum of early stage research, including working papers, conference papers, preprints, etc.

The following PhysicsRN areas are available and subscriptions will be free during the start-up phase.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Accelerators-Beams-Fields
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Accelerators-Beams-Fields

Description: This area includes content on designing, building, and operating particle accelerators that enable discoveries in fields such as elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, and material sciences.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Astrophysics-Cosmology-Gravitation
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Astrophysics-Cosmology-Gravitation

Description: This area includes content on phenomena and theories relating to the formation and evolution of the universe, galaxies, stars and planets, cosmic rays, radiation, energy, and matter as well as detection methods and experimental measurements of cosmic signals. Research areas include aspects of modern astronomy and astrophysics, including theoretical, observational, and computational astronomy. Such studies can include original research on instrumentation, data capture and surveys, analysis and modelling techniques, as well as interpretation of observations relating to celestial objects and phenomena originating outside the Earth's atmosphere.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Atomic-Molecular-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Atomic-Molecular-Physics

Description: This area includes content on matter-matter and light-matter interactions at the atomic, molecular, and photon to macroscopic devices scales, studied using classical, semi-classical, and quantum theories and absorption, emission, and scattering of radiation measurements.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Biological-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Biological-Physics

Description: This area includes content on the application of theoretical and practical physics to investigate and analyze biological systems, specifically to understand inner workings of machinery found in living organisms on length scales ranging from molecular to macroscopic.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Chemical-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Chemical-Physics

Description: This area includes content covering all aspects of applied and theoretical chemical physics. Areas of research include collisional molecular dynamics, computational methods for electronic structure, equilibrium statistical mechanics, extremum methods, fluctuation methods, intramolecular dynamics, interaction on grids, magnetic interactions, molecular dynamics of condensed phases, molecular dynamics of particle systems, molecular response to external fields, non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, non-frictional forces, photon statistics, quantum theory, quasiparticle dynamics, reactive molecular dynamics, relativistic electronic structure theory, scattering methods, spin states, time space correlation functions, wave functions for highly excited states, and wave functions for unbound states.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Computational-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Computational-Physics

Description: This area includes content on the application of numerical or algorithmic methods to solve problems in physics using existing quantitative theories. Areas of research include computational investigations, such as computer simulation and numerical modelling of complex physical and chemical systems that require approximations and are not readily described by closed expressions and machine learning techniques in medical, quantum, material, and statistical physics.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Condensed-Matter-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Condensed-Matter-Physics

Description: This area includes content on theories and experiments of macroscopic and microscopic properties of matter, especially in solid and liquid states arising from electromagnetic forces between atoms and molecules. Areas of research include crystallography, electrical properties, fluids, magnetism, material properties, optics, radiation, semiconductors, and superconductivity, as well as quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, and statistical mechanics.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Econophysics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Econophysics

Description: This area includes content on the application of theoretical and practical physics methods, in particular, the mathematical approaches for handling large and complex nonlinear dynamics to understand the behavior of the economy and financial markets.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Engineering-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Engineering-Physics

Description: This area includes content on the engineering applications of theoretical and practical physics to physical, chemical, biological, electrical, and mechanical investigations.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Environmental-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Environmental-Physics

Description: This area includes content on the application of theoretical and practical physics to the measurement and analysis of interactions between organisms and their environment.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Fluid-Dynamics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Fluid-Dynamics

Description: This area includes content on the application of theoretical and practical physics principles to the flow of liquids and gases around solid surfaces.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/History-Philosophy-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=History-Philosophy-Physics

Description: This area includes content on the conceptual, historical, interpretational, and philosophical discussions of concepts, theories, and methods of modern physics.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Mathematical-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Mathematical-Physics

Description: This area includes content on applications of mathematical methods to investigate and analyze physical and chemical systems. Areas of research include mathematical approaches to problems of quantum and classical mechanics and field theories, as well as relativity and gravitation, statistical physics, and mathematical foundations of physical theories.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Medical-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Medical-Physics

Description: This area includes content on the application of physics knowledge to the development and use of medical treatment/diagnostic devices and techniques in the sub-fields of the health sciences, such as radiology and nuclear medicine.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Metrology
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Metrology

Description: This area includes content on theories and techniques of scientific measurements, including development of new measurement methods, realization of measurement standards, and transfer of these standards to users.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Nonlinear-Dynamics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Nonlinear-Dynamics

Description: This area includes content on complex and chaotic phenomena using physics principles that arise in chemical, physical, biological, and mechanical systems.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Nuclear-Particle-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Nuclear-Particle-Physics

Description: This area includes content on atomic nuclei, their constituents, and interactions that hold them together, as well as the elementary building blocks of matter, radiation, and interactions.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Optics-Laser
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Optics-Laser

Description: This area includes content on theories, mathematical modelling, generation, manipulation, and measurement techniques of electromagnetic waves. Research areas include the development of all types of lasers, new optical materials, optoelectronic devices and photonics, conventional optics, optical instruments and components, techniques of optical metrology, non-contact optical measurement techniques, optical computing, image processing, nanofabrication techniques/methods, quantum optics, laser safety methods/protocols, and application of lasers to material processing.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Physics-Education
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Physics-Education

Description: This area includes content on all aspects of the pedagogical methods used in teaching physics across all levels.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Physics-Educator
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Physics-Educator

Description: This area includes content that supports high quality student learning in physics and related disciplines, and is designed for the sharing of teaching materials. This includes casebooks, reviews of casebooks, lecture notes, class summaries, outlines, supplementary materials (for your own or someone else's book), syllabi, problem sets, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and other teaching materials.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Physics-Negative-Results
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Physics-Negative-Results

Description: This area includes content in which negative results were found. Negative results are instances in which the expected outcome of the research was not borne out by the results. The negative results area includes papers that have controversial or provocative results that challenge established theories as well as papers that replicate or support findings published elsewhere.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Plasma-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Plasma-Physics

Description: This area includes content on the interaction of charged particles and fluids with self-consistent electromagnetic fields with applications in astrophysics, fusion, accelerator physics, and beam storage.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Polymers-Soft-Matter-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Polymers-Soft-Matter-Physics

Description: This area includes content on physical systems that are structurally deformed by thermal and mechanical stress on the order of thermal fluctuation.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Quantum-Information
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Quantum-Information

Description: This area includes content on the application of quantum physics to manipulate physical systems to store and transmit information.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Social-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Social-Physics

Description: This area includes content on the application of mathematical methods inspired by physics to investigate crowd behavior and psychology.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Statistical-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Statistical-Physics

Description: This area includes content on the application of probability theory and statistics, in particular mathematical methods, used for dealing with large populations and approximations to solve physical problems.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Transport-Physics
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Transport-Physics

Description: This area includes content on phenomena and theories of mass, momentum, or energy transfer in systems as a result of molecular agitation, including properties such as thermal conduction and viscosity.

You can subscribe to these areas at no cost, by clicking on the "subscribe" links listed above.

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SSRN's objective is to provide rapid, worldwide distribution of research to authors and their readers and to facilitate communication among them at the lowest possible cost. In pursuit of this objective, we allow authors to upload papers without charge. And, any paper an author uploads to SSRN is downloadable for free, worldwide.

The Physics Research Network (PhysicsRN) hosts research content. You can subscribe to new content notifications through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at https://hq.ssrn.com.


Physics Research Network

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