Since 2022 Elsevier has made available a new dataset that's breaking new ground in the scholarly communication world as it offers unique insights into journal peer review. Researchers can apply to study the anonymized manuscript and journal metadata of more than 2,000 Elsevier journals.
The Peer Review Workbench dataset offers several years' worth of carefully anonymized journal manuscript and peer review data, containing rich and connected information on more than 5 million authors and reviewers. Accepted manuscripts also feature reviewer comments and manuscript abstracts. Researchers have also access to anonymized editorial decisions and timelines, including submission and decision dates. More details about the dataset are available in the white paper "Analysing Elsevier Journal Metadata with a New Specialized Workbench"
The initiative is the brainchild of Elsevier's Peer Review Innovation Lead Bahar Mehmani, who developed the project with one very clear goal in mind - to support systematic research into peer review. We are interested to hear from you if you want to pursue research questions in the field of peer review. To submit your application please fill in the PRW Project Proposal template document available here and email it to As this is a pdf document, if you are unable to use a pdf editor software please email to request a Word format document.
This research series aims to present the research developed through Peer Review Workbench. Among PRW publications, there are two key series:
- PRW Project Proposals
- PRW Research Articles
Global Reach of Peer Review Workbench Research Paper Series
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