We are pleased to announce George Mason University School of Business has started a MRN Business School Research Papers series within the Management Research Network (MRN).
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George Mason University School of Business topic areas:
Mason: Accounting
Mason: Business Foundations
Mason: Finance
Mason: Information Systems & Operations Management
Mason: Management
Mason: Marketing
The George Mason School of Business RPS includes abstracts and research papers in a range of business disciplines including accounting, finance, information systems and operations management, marketing, and management. George Mason University ranks in the top 115 universities with the "Highest Research Activity" in the influential Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, with the School of Business on the forefront of the University's emphasis on leading academic research. From current courses to leading edge research, the School of Business' faculty is actively involved in today's management and business issues. The School of Business has a mix of more than 100 full-time faculty members and 50 part-time faculty members who are widely published and respected for their expertise.
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Michael C. Jensen
Management Research Network
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