We are pleased to announce Journal of Interdisciplinary Research: Graduate Studies (JIRGS) has joined our Partners in Publishing Journals within the MRN Organizational Behavior Research Network (MRN-ORG).
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Journal of Interdisciplinary Research: Graduate Studies (JIRGS) is an international journal published in Thai by the Political Science Association of Kasetsart University. This journal aims to disseminate academic results and research results including the exchange of ideas, as well as being an international graduate research center, the reliability of the source, and current situation. The contents of this journal also include all academic and research aspects of interdisciplinary science and technology as well as the humanities and social sciences for promoting new discoveries in the various disciplines of knowledge. The JIRGS is an international journal with a double-blind peer-reviewed processes for screening the articles before publication. This Journal publishes four issues per year as follows: the first issue for January - March, the second issue for April - June, the third issue for July - September and the fourth issue for October - December.
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Michael C. Jensen and David C. Logan
MRN Organizational Behavior Research Networ
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