We are pleased to announce a new Legal Scholarship Network (LSN) Sponsored Subject Matter eJournal - Law & Macroeconomics eJournal, sponsored by The Law & Macroeconomics Association, Inc., Georgetown Law and the Institute of International Economic Law, Queen Mary University of London's Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Tulane Murphy Institute Center on Law and the Economy, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School's Initiative on Financial Policy & Regulation, and Yale Law School.
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Bernard Black and Ronald J. Gilson
Legal Scholarship Network
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View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Law-Macroeconomics.html
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Editors: Peter Conti-Brown, Class of 1965 Associate Professor of Financial Regulation, University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School, Adam Feibelman, Sumter Davis Marks Professor of Law, Tulane University - Law School, Anna Gelpern, Professor of Law and Anne Fleming Research Professor, Georgetown University Law Center, Rosa M. Lastra, Sir John Lubbock Chair of Banking Law, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary University of London, and Yair Listokin, Shibley Family Fund Professor of Law, Yale Law School
Sponsors: The Law and Macroeconomics Association, Inc. is a non-profit institution devoted to research at the intersection of law and macroeconomics. It is jointly sponsored by the Georgetown Law and the Institute of International Economic Law, Queen Mary University of London's Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Tulane Murphy Institute Center on Law and the Economy, the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School's Initiative on Financial Policy and Regulation, and Yale Law School.
Description: This area includes content focused on the law's role in shaping a growing, resilient, equitable, and sustainable macroeconomy and on the role of macroeconomic policy in national, regional, and global governance. The Law and Macroeconomics eJournal provides a forum for scholars engaging with these questions from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, including law, economics, history, political science, and sociology, among others. Research topics may include the institutional frameworks for fiscal and monetary policy, the legal and regulatory levers of macroeconomic policy, equity and inequality, and institutional designs for financial stability, sustainable development, ESG, and other policy objectives. These may implicate aspects of constitutional, administrative, international trade and monetary, migration, and environmental law, the law of public debt, financial regulation, contract, corporate, bankruptcy, labor, antitrust (competition), and consumer law, and utility regulation, among others.
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Bernard Black and Ronald J. Gilson
Legal Scholarship Network
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