In cooperation with Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Manchester University, the Legal Scholarship Network (LSN) is pleased to announce the European Society of International Law (ESIL) 2018 Events eJournal. This eJournal is available to all subscribers at no charge and contains abstracts of the conference papers with links to the full text in the SSRN eLibrary.
The ESIL 2018 proceedings contain a selection of papers presented at the 2018 Research Forum and Annual Conference, respectively held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at Manchester University.
The Research Forum's theme was "International Law in Times of Disorder and Contestation". It addressed challenges to the international legal order emanating from dynamics of disengagement from multilateral governance, a perceived erosion of support by states and other stakeholders in existing international institutions, contestation of universal values, shifts in hegemonic power at the global and regional level, and the rise in populist, anti-liberal, anti-institutional and isolationist political sentiments in various regions of the world.
The theme of the Annual Conference was "International Law and Universality". The conference aimed at taking a hard and unflinching look at the multitude of roles and functions played by universality in international legal discourses as well as its associated narratives of progress and virtues. In doing so, it provided a critical appraisal of the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion that come with international law and its universalist discursive strategies.
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Conference URLs: Jerusalem: and Manchester:
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Bernard Black and Ronald J. Gilson
Legal Scholarship Network
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The ESIL 2018 proceedings contain a selection of papers presented at the 2018 Research Forum and Annual Conference, respectively held at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and at Manchester University.
The Research Forum's theme was "International Law in Times of Disorder and Contestation". It addressed challenges to the international legal order emanating from dynamics of disengagement from multilateral governance, a perceived erosion of support by states and other stakeholders in existing international institutions, contestation of universal values, shifts in hegemonic power at the global and regional level, and the rise in populist, anti-liberal, anti-institutional and isolationist political sentiments in various regions of the world.
The theme of the Annual Conference was "International Law and Universality". The conference aimed at taking a hard and unflinching look at the multitude of roles and functions played by universality in international legal discourses as well as its associated narratives of progress and virtues. In doing so, it provided a critical appraisal of the mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion that come with international law and its universalist discursive strategies.
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Conference URLs: Jerusalem: and Manchester:
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SSRN's searchable library contains abstracts, full bibliographic data, and author contact information for more than 861,100 papers, more than 446,000 authors, and full text for more than 733,500 papers. This content can be accessed at
SSRN supports open access by allowing authors to upload papers to the platform for free through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at - and by providing free downloading of those papers.
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Bernard Black and Ronald J. Gilson
Legal Scholarship Network
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