Law & Economics Center at George Mason University Scalia Law School Research Paper Series

Founded in 1974, the Law & Economics Center is a national leader in research and education that focuses on the timely and relevant economic analysis of legal and public policy issues. Because laws act as incentives for changing behavior and achieving certain policy objectives, it is vital that the scholars, educators, and public servants who create and shape our laws understand economic concepts and tools, so they can more fully appreciate the consequences of their decisions. Experience has shown, however, that although law professors, judges, and policymakers may be experts in the law, most of them have little familiarity with economics and struggle to identify tradeoffs and unintended consequences created by particular legal decisions or public policies.

To address this problem, the LEC offers dozens of educational programs each year for federal and state judges, state attorneys general and their professional staff attorneys, legal scholars, US congressional staff members, and other policymakers on various topics related to law and economics. The LEC regularly recruits leading experts to lecture in these educational programs, as well as to author original research papers. Drafts of the research papers undergo live peer review in the form of a closed-door, invitation-only research roundtable that allows scholars, judges, practicing attorneys, industry representatives, and public policy experts to evaluate and critique draft papers. Following the research roundtable, authors then revise their studies in response to roundtable feedback and seek publication.

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