Call for Papers: 10th SDU Finance Workshop on Corporate Finance – Dynamics, Uncertainty, and Strategic Decisions

Conference date

04 Jun 2025


University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense, Denmark


KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Philip Valta from the University of Bern will give a talk on “Strategic Dynamics in Corporate Finance: Decisions, Interactions, and Outcomes”.

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Christian Riis Flor, Alexander Schandlbauer, Charlotte Sun Clausen-Jørgensen, Julian Hölzermann, Hyun Joong Kim, Mo Zhang, and Rikke Sejer Nielsen.


OVERVIEW: The finance group at the Department of Business and Management of the University of Southern Denmark is pleased to announce the 10th SDU finance workshop. We invite submissions in all areas of finance related to the theme Corporate Finance -- Dynamics, Uncertainty, and Strategic Decisions.

This will be a one-day workshop with a small number of papers on the program in order to allow for ample time for discussions and to create a stimulating environment. Each paper will be reviewed for conference admission and have a discussant.

The workshop will be held in person (not online). Participants are expected to cover their own travel and accommodation expenses; however, we may be able to partly cover the accommodation in Odense. Refreshments during the workshop, including a conference dinner, are offered to presenters, discussants, and selected participants.

PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Submission is open from January 31. Please submit the full paper or an extended abstract by March 10, 2025. The submission fee is 300 DKK (approx. 40 EUR) per paper (VAT included). There is no participation fee. To submit a paper and pay the submission fee, please go to

Author notification will be provided in mid-April.

For more information, please contact Christian Riis Flor by email,

PAST PROGRAMS: Information about past programs is available at