2025 Tilburg Finance Summit on Housing and Mortgages Choices

Conference date

12 Jun 2025


Tilburg University


Tilburg University and CEPR are inviting high quality submissions of both theoretical and empirical research on topics related to housing and mortgages choices. The objective of this conference is to bring together a small group of researchers in a stimulating and pleasant atmosphere. The submission deadline is February 15th, 2025. Papers should be submitted electronically by the presenting author to financesummit@tilburguniversity.edu along with his or her affiliation and email address. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by March 15th, 2024.

The conference will be held at Tilburg University on Thursday June 12th, 2025. The program starts at 9:00 and concludes at 17:00, followed by a conference dinner. It will feature six papers with discussions and a keynote address by Prof. Andreas Fuster (EPFL, Swiss Finance Institute, CEPR), allowing ample time for interaction. Accommodation will be provided for invited participants. Travel expenses will be covered for participants on the program who require funding.

The local organizers are Gianpaolo Parise and Kim Peijnenburg. The program committee includes Marieke Bos (Stockholm School of Economics and CEPR), Nic Schaub (WHU), and Fabio Braggion, Gazi Kabaş, Nicola Pavanini, Yushi Peng, Vincenzo Pezone, and Christoph Walsh from Tilburg University.