Ph.D. in Finance, fully funded


Program Offer of Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE in cooperation with Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management (GSEFM) at Goethe University Frankfurt:

The GSEFM offers a quantitative and research-oriented education featuring the structures of premier anglo-saxon graduate programs. Together with SAFE, it provides an environment where students can benefit from a unique research group in Finance spanning a wide range of topics as well as from the location in Frankfurt, the primary center for financial markets and central banking in continental Europe. The program does not charge tuition fees.

The GSEFM Ph.D. Program in Finance consists of two years of doctoral coursework with a qualifying examination at the end of the first year. Core courses in financial economics, econometrics, and mathematical methods (first year) and two to three elective courses (second year) ensure that students acquire a thorough knowledge of the theory of Finance before beginning their own research.

The Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, based at the same premises at Goethe University’s House of Finance, offers funding for the entire program to excellent applicants for the Ph.D. Program in Finance as well as to those for the Program in Economics who pursue financial economics as one field in their studies. Funding includes a scholarship of monthly €1,300 in the first program year and, conditional on passing the preliminary exams, an ensuing work contract as research assistant with sufficient time allocation to work on the thesis.

SAFE – short for Sustainable Architecture for Finance in Europe – is dedicated to interdisciplinary research on the financial markets and their players in Europe as well as to research-based, independent policy advice. It is committed to contributing to a sustainable and resilient financial system that promotes innovation and serves the needs of the economy and the society.

The GSEFM education combined with research work at SAFE offers exceptional global career opportunities in academia, international organizations, or financial regulation.

SAFE aims to increase the proportion of female scholars among its research staff and will therefore give preference to female applicants in case of equal qualification.

Learn more about a Ph.D. in Finance at GSEFM in Frankfurt combined with funding from