George Mason Law & Economics Center Seventeenth Law Institute for Economics Professors in Park City Utah from Sunday, June 1 to Friday, June 13 2025



Sunday, June 1 to Friday, June 13, 2025
Grand Summit Hotel
Park City, UT

Apply Here:

The Law & Economics Center at George Mason University Antonin Scalia Law School, invites applications for the Seventeenth Law Institute for Economics Professors to be held at the Grand Summit Hotel in Park City, Utah. The program will run from Sunday, June 1 to Friday, June 13, 2025.

The Law Institute for Economics Professors provides professors with an introduction to basic legal research methods, legal procedures and substantive areas of the law. The time-tested program that launched the LEC in 1974 counts many of today’s leading scholars in law and economics among its five decades of alumni. The objective of the Institute is to help economists bring greater policy relevance to their teaching and scholarship.

The Institute is primarily a course about law, not “Law & Economics”. It is carefully designed to provide academic economists with an overview of the American legal system. The course is directed to scholars with little or no previous legal education; emphasis is placed on those legal issues that are most appropriate for economic analysis.

More than 370 economics and business professors worldwide have attended the Law Institute. Alumni credit the Institute with providing them with insights leading to new research, new courses and new alliances with law and other professors.

Topics to be covered include:
• Introduction to the Law:
o What is Law? What are Legal Rules
o Norms, Customs & Private Ordering
o Institutions – Courts and Congress
o Institutions – The Executive and the Administrative State
• English Common Law and Stare Decisis
• State Statues and the Common Law
• Property
• Contracts
• Torts
• Civil Procedure
• Criminal Law and Procedure
• Torts and Products Liability
• Antitrust
• Intellectual Property
• Business Associations
• Securities Regulation
• Bankruptcy
• Employment and Labor Law

Confirmed instructors include:
• Sarah Rudolph Cole, J.D., Ohio State Law
• James C. Cooper, J.D., Ph.D., Scalia Law
• Michael L. Davis, J.D., Scalia Law
• Nuno Garoupa, LL.M, D. Phil., Scalia Law
• Michael S. Greve, Ph.D., Scalia Law
• The Honorable Ryan T. Holte, US Court of Federal Claims
• Joshua Kleinfeld, J.D., Ph.D., Scalia Law
• Donald J. Kochan, J.D., Scalia Law
• Erin E. Meyers, J.D., Ph.D., Scalia Law
• Paolo Saguato, LL.M, J.D., Ph.D., Scalia Law
• The Honorable David R. Stras, US Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
• Todd J. Zywicki, J.D., Scalia Law

The Seventeenth Law Institute will accommodate up to 30 economics professors. Professors are required to attend all group meals and social events. Classes meet for two weeks, with several days ending in the early afternoon. There is no class on Sunday, June 8.

The Law Institute for Economics Professors will run concurrently with the Economics Institute for Law Professors (Please see Many of the group meals will be combined.

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No Tuition; Hotel Rooms and Group Meals are Provided:

There is no tuition for the Institute, and room and board are covered by the LEC.

Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses to and from the Institute, as well as incidental expenses and individual meals.


Participants will receive a $3,000 honorarium upon successful completion of the Institute.

Application Process and Acceptance:

Applications should be submitted online through the following link:

The LEC will evaluate applications as they are received with acceptances on a rolling basis; and we will continue to consider applications until the program is fully subscribed.

Enrollment Guarantee:

Participants accepted to the Institute will be required to guarantee their enrollment by submitting their credit card information within 30 days of acceptance to hold registration. Failure to provide the information within 30 days may result in cancelation of acceptance.

No charge will be made to the credit card if the participant successfully completes the Institute, or if registration is cancelled before Saturday, February 1, 2025. The credit card information will be deleted.

If the participant does not successfully complete the program (e.g. has unexplained absences from sessions) OR if they must cancel registration after February 1, 2025, their credit card will be charged $1,500 to offset costs. Once the card is charged, the credit card information will be deleted.


Grand Summit Hotel
4000 Canyons Resort Drive
Park City, UT 84098

LEC staff will make all room reservations. If you have any special needs, please contact the LEC staff first.


Breakfast will be provided on days with class sessions. There will be eight (8) lunches and three (3) receptions and dinners over the course of the Institute. Interaction between Institute faculty and participants is an important part of the learning experience. Therefore, all participants are required to attend all group meals on the program agenda.


Participants are responsible for their own transportation arrangement and expenses to and from the Institute. The closest airport to the Grand Summit Hotel is Salt Lake City International Airport.


For questions regarding the program, please email Donald Kochan, Professor of Law and Executive Director of the LEC at

For questions regarding the logistics of the application process, please email Program Coordinator Angelica Sisson at

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The LEC’s Henry G. Manne Program in Law & Economics Studies promotes law and economics scholarship by funding faculty research, convening research roundtables, and hosting policy-relevant academic workshops and conferences.

Established in 2010 to honor the legacy of Henry G. Manne – legendary former Dean of the Antonin Scalia Law School, founder of the Law & Economics Center, and one of the founding fathers of the law and economics movement – the program seeks to improve the quality of legal scholarship by offering educational workshops on important and topical areas of study.

Since its founding, the LEC’s workshops and research roundtables have included more than 10,000 participants from 543 academic institutions. In addition to its core constituency of academics, Manne Program events also attract attendance from the policy community, including economists and lawyers from federal agencies, Capitol Hill, state government offices, and the non-profit and for-profit research sectors.

For more information regarding this conference or other initiatives of the Law & Economics Center, please visit: