Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies Special Issue on “External financing in private and public markets in Asia-Pacific region”


Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies Special Issue on “External financing in private and public markets in Asia-Pacific region”

The Asia–Pacific Journal of Financial Studies (AJFS) invites manuscripts for a special issue on “External financing in private and public markets in Asia-Pacific region,” scheduled for publication in 2025. AJFS became the first finance journal published in the Asia-Pacific region covered by the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) in 2006. Visit for additional information about the Journal.

This special issue invites both empirical and theoretical papers on a broad range of corporate finance topics, with a particular emphasis on external financing in private and public capital markets in the Asia-Pacific region over the past decade. Topics of interest for this special issue include, but are not limited to:
• Features of SPACs in the Asia-Pacific region that differentiate them from U.S. SPACs
• Frequency and performance of seasoned equity offerings (follow-ons)
• Analysis of regulatory and institutional practices, both positive and negative, across the Asia-Pacific region affecting IPOs
• Entrepreneurship
• Venture capital
• Exit strategies and mergers
• The role of sovereign wealth funds

Up to four (4) papers will be selected and US$1,000 award will be granted to each selected paper.

All manuscripts must be in English and should follow the author guidelines at To submit your paper, you should log in to your account on the Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies - Wiley site at as an Author. All manuscripts submitted by September 30, 2025, will be considered for this special issue. Submission fee is waived, so please upload the Submission Charge Form without PayPal information to complete your submission during the submission process. We expect to complete the review process and notify authors of the result by November 30, 2025. Early-accepted papers may be published before the release of the special issue, scheduled for December 2025. For queries, please send an email to:

Additional Information

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