1st Annual Isenberg School of Management Finance Conference

Conference date

09 May 2025


Isenberg School of Managment University of Massachusetts Amherst


The Department of Finance at the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst, is thrilled to announce the 1st Annual Isenberg School of Management Finance Conference, taking place on Friday, May 9, 2025.

This exciting event will bring together finance professionals, industry experts, and scholars to explore the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in finance, with a focus on both empirical and theoretical work. The conference is designed to foster knowledge sharing, networking, and collaboration within the finance community.

We invite you to join us for this engaging day of discussions and networking. For more information, please visit our conference website:


There is a $60 USD fee per submitted paper. To submit, please complete the online form and make your payment by February 1, 2025. If you are submitting multiple papers, please complete this process for each one.

Papers will be thoughtfully reviewed by the conference program committee, and authors of accepted papers will be notified by late February 2025. To support your participation, the Finance Department will cover hotel and transportation costs for accepted presenters and discussants.

If you have issues to pay the submission fees, please email us at nrubanska@umass.edu