Call for Papers: CEPR 10th European Workshop on Household Finance

Conference dates

07 May 2025 - 09 May 2025




The CEPR Network on Household Finance and Copenhagen Business School are organising the 10th European Workshop on Household Finance on 7-9 May 2025 in Copenhagen.

The objective of this workshop is to host presentations and foster interaction between senior and junior researchers working in the area of household finance. The research workshop will include an evening event organised by Steffen Andersen. The workshop will include state-of-the-art research on household financial behaviour and on how this is influenced by other choices, government policies, and the overall economic environment.

We solicit papers in the following areas, but other related areas may also be considered:
Patterns of asset allocation and debt behaviour over the life cycle
Financing retirement and the demographic transition
Consumer indebtedness, financial distress and default decisions
Behavioural approaches to household finances
Financial literacy and financial education programmes
Trust, subjective expectations, pessimism, and financial decisions
International comparisons of household finances using micro-data
Cognitive and genetic studies on individual financial performance
Financial advice and legal protection of investors and borrowers
The impact of technology on household financial behaviour

The organisers encourage submissions from PhD students in household finance. Students must apply online stating that all co-authors in the paper are PhD students and supply their CV. Students should note that, from 2020 on, the best student paper prize will only be awarded once a year at the Household Finance Conference which takes place every Autumn. So, students who want their paper to be considered for the prize should submit it to the Autumn conference, but they are welcome to submit another paper to the Spring workshop.

Programme Committee
Sumit Agarwal (National University of Singapore), Steffen Andersen (Central Bank of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School and CEPR), Martin Brown (Study Center Gerzensee, University of St Gallen, ZEW Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research), Laurent Calvet (EDHEC Business School, CFS and CEPR), Joao Cocco (London Business School and CEPR), Andreas Fuster (EPFL and CEPR), Francisco Gomes (London Business School and CEPR), Luigi Guiso (EIEF and CEPR), Michael Haliassos (Goethe University Frankfurt and CEPR), Tullio Jappelli (University of Naples Federico II, CSEF and CEPR), Matti Keloharju (Aalto University and CEPR), Samuli Knüpfer (Aalto University School of Business), Moritz Kuhn (University of Mannheim and CEPR), Camelia Kuhnen (University of North Carolina), Julia Le Blanc (European Commission, Joint Research Centre and CEPR), Alex Michaelides (Imperial College and CEPR), Giovanna Nicodano (University of Torino, Collegio Carlo Alberto and CEPR), Michaela Pagel (Washington University Olin Business School, NBER and CEPR), Monica Paiella (University of Naples Parthenope and CEPR), Kim Peijnenburg (Tilburg University and CEPR), Tarun Ramadorai (Imperial College and CEPR), Paolo Sodini (Stockholm School of Economics, Swedish House of Finance and CEPR) and Raman Uppal (EDHEC and CEPR), Roine Vestman (Stockholm University and CEPR) and Jonathan Zinman (Dartmouth University).

Local Organisers
Steffen Andersen (Central Bank of Denmark, Copenhagen Business School and CEPR)

Paper Submission and Deadline
The submission fee for each paper is 50 euro and proceeds will contribute to covering workshop costs. The submission fee is waived only if the author and all co-authors are PhD students. Full instructions on the submission process can be found below.

Please make the submission fee payment of 50 euro via the following link on CEPR’s PayPal account:

Authors who already have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:
1. Going to and logging in
2. After you have logged in, go to
3. Click on "Step 1: Apply"
4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
5. Tick the boxes that apply to you
6. Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information.
7. Click "Submit form" to make the submission.

Authors who do not have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:
1. Creating a new profile here
2. After you have logged in, go to
3. Click on "Step 1: Apply"
4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
5. Tick the boxes that apply to you
6. Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information.
7. Click "Submit form" to make the submission.

If you have any difficulties registering for this meeting, please contact Despoina Chatzilari, Senior events Officer at

When submitting your paper, please indicate whether you have funds to cover your own travel and accommodation costs, or whether you will require funding. This information does not affect inclusion of your paper, but it will be used to determine the level of your reimbursement, if any.

For papers by PhD Students (authors and all co-authors)
Authors who already have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:
1. Going to and logging in
2. After you have logged in, go to
3. Click on "Step 1: Apply"
4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
5. Tick the boxes that apply to you
6. Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information.
7. Click "Submit form" to make the submission.

Authors who do not have a CEPR HUB profile can upload their submission by:
1. Creating a new profile here
2. After you have logged in, go to
3. Click on "Step 1: Apply"
4. Under "Apply to Attend" click "Yes"
5. Tick the boxes that apply to you
6. Tick "Would you like to submit a paper?", upload your paper and supply the requested information.
7. Click "Submit form" to make the submission.

Please also indicate clearly that you are a PhD student and submit your CV. In case your paper is co-authored, please indicate also whether all your co-authors were PhD students at the time of writing the paper. If any of your co-authors are not currently PhD students, a submission fee will apply.

The deadline for submissions is 19 January 2025, 6pm UK time. Expenses of paper presenters and discussants will be covered, unless they indicate that they are able to cover their own expenses. Limited support funds for PhD students will also be available. Applications for attendance without a paper presentation will be possible once the programme is finalised, and available places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Information will be posted on the CEPR Network website Household Finance | CEPR as it becomes available.