The 33rd Annual Conference on Pacific Basin Finance, Economics, Accounting, and Management

Conference dates

13 Jun 2025 - 14 Jun 2025


Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan


Paper Submission

The deadline for paper submission is March 15, 2025. Authors should send a Word or PDF file of their completed paper in English. Each submission should have the following on the cover page:
1. Title of the paper
2. Author’s name, affiliation and E-mail address

On the second page of the paper should be an abstract.

Please submit your electronic version of your paper to and Authors will be notified of the review committee’s decision by April 30, 2025.

Conference Registration Fee
USD $250 for On-line Presenter & USD $300 for On-site Presenter
Registration Due: May 15, 2025

Additional Information

Publication Note
To be considered for publication, the author should formally submit his/her paper to and send US$250 submission fee (check to be made payable to Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting) to the following address.
To be considered for publication in RPBFMP, authors should submit the papers to the conference and to RPBFMP ( with USD $150 submission fee by May 30, 2025.
Professor Lee will decide the paper will be published in RQFA, RPBFMP, or APBBEF, in accordance with the reviewer’s comments.