2025 Plato Market Innovator (MI3) Conference
Conference date
01 Jul 2025
One Moorgate Place, London
Call for Papers
2025 Plato Market Innovator (MI3) Conference
Tuesday 1 July, 2025
The Plato Partnership is pleased to announce the call for papers for the 9th Annual Plato Market Innovator MI3 conference. The conference is scheduled to take place in London on Tuesday 1 July 2025.
The conference aims to bring together academic researchers and industry to stimulate discussion on current issues in the field. The conference organisers welcome papers in all areas of microstructure including theoretical, empirical and experimental work. The Plato Partnership is particularly interested in research relating to European markets, but research examining any market will be considered for the programme.
The programme for the conference will include academic paper presentations and discussions plus a panel discussion with leading industry experts.
All submitted papers will be considered for the Plato MI3 Best Paper Award, which will receive a prize of £2500.
Plato Partnership is a not-for-profit company comprising asset managers and broker dealers who are collaborating to bring creative solutions and efficiencies to today’s complex equity market place. Integral to Plato Partnership’s vision is high quality academic research supported by its Market Innovator (MI3) initiative and aimed at seeking out ways in which the Plato community can collaborate to build a better financial ecosystem. www.platopartnership.com/
Please submit your paper in pdf format to info@platopartnership.com
Please send two pdf files: a title page with author details and an anonymous copy of the paper.
In the submission e-mail please state if you are willing to act as a discussant at the conference. Submissions are due by midnight (UK time), 18 November, 2024.
2025 Plato Market Innovator (MI3) Conference
Tuesday 1 July, 2025
The Plato Partnership is pleased to announce the call for papers for the 9th Annual Plato Market Innovator MI3 conference. The conference is scheduled to take place in London on Tuesday 1 July 2025.
The conference aims to bring together academic researchers and industry to stimulate discussion on current issues in the field. The conference organisers welcome papers in all areas of microstructure including theoretical, empirical and experimental work. The Plato Partnership is particularly interested in research relating to European markets, but research examining any market will be considered for the programme.
The programme for the conference will include academic paper presentations and discussions plus a panel discussion with leading industry experts.
All submitted papers will be considered for the Plato MI3 Best Paper Award, which will receive a prize of £2500.
Plato Partnership is a not-for-profit company comprising asset managers and broker dealers who are collaborating to bring creative solutions and efficiencies to today’s complex equity market place. Integral to Plato Partnership’s vision is high quality academic research supported by its Market Innovator (MI3) initiative and aimed at seeking out ways in which the Plato community can collaborate to build a better financial ecosystem. www.platopartnership.com/
Please submit your paper in pdf format to info@platopartnership.com
Please send two pdf files: a title page with author details and an anonymous copy of the paper.
In the submission e-mail please state if you are willing to act as a discussant at the conference. Submissions are due by midnight (UK time), 18 November, 2024.