Ninth Annual Mergers & Acquisitions Research Centre Conference
Conference date
16 Jun 2025
London, UK
ABOUT THE EVENT: Following the success of the eighth conference in 2024, we are pleased to announce that the Ninth Annual Mergers and Acquisitions Research Centre (MARC) Conference will be held at Bayes Business School, City St George’s, University of London on Monday 16 June 2025 in cooperation with the European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI).
The conference organisers invite authors to submit original, theoretical and empirical papers covering issues related to mergers and acquisitions (M&A), including topics such as deal structure from financing to integration, activism, regulatory changes, domestic and cross border transactions and corporate social responsibility among others.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: The submission deadline is 24 January 2025 at 10pm GMT (United Kingdom time). There is no submission fee. To be eligible for submission, the paper must still be at a revisable stage (i.e. neither forthcoming nor close to being accepted at a journal) by the date of the conference.
Please email a pdf version of your paper to The file name must be: [presenting author’s last name]_[shortened paper title] (for example, Smith_Deal integration.pdf). Please include “MARC2025” in the subject of your email.
We expect to notify authors about acceptances by 27 March 2025.
STRUCTURE: Sessions will take place between 8:30am and 5:30pm on Monday 16 June 2025 with a keynote speech during lunch and reception following the conference. The conference will be held in-person at Bayes Business School, and all presenters and discussants are expected to attend in-person.
The conference dinner for presenters, discussants, and program committee members will be held in the evening of the conference day.
Queries should be directed to:
The conference organisers invite authors to submit original, theoretical and empirical papers covering issues related to mergers and acquisitions (M&A), including topics such as deal structure from financing to integration, activism, regulatory changes, domestic and cross border transactions and corporate social responsibility among others.
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: The submission deadline is 24 January 2025 at 10pm GMT (United Kingdom time). There is no submission fee. To be eligible for submission, the paper must still be at a revisable stage (i.e. neither forthcoming nor close to being accepted at a journal) by the date of the conference.
Please email a pdf version of your paper to The file name must be: [presenting author’s last name]_[shortened paper title] (for example, Smith_Deal integration.pdf). Please include “MARC2025” in the subject of your email.
We expect to notify authors about acceptances by 27 March 2025.
STRUCTURE: Sessions will take place between 8:30am and 5:30pm on Monday 16 June 2025 with a keynote speech during lunch and reception following the conference. The conference will be held in-person at Bayes Business School, and all presenters and discussants are expected to attend in-person.
The conference dinner for presenters, discussants, and program committee members will be held in the evening of the conference day.
Queries should be directed to: