9th Annual Young Scholars Finance Consortium

Conference dates

20 Mar 2025 - 22 Mar 2025


College Station, Texas



March 20 – 22, 2025

The 9th Annual Young Scholars Finance Consortium, organized by Texas A&M University, will be held in person from March 20 – 22, 2025. The goal of this annual conference is to provide promising junior finance faculty and PhD students with an opportunity to present their research and receive feedback from a select group of accomplished scholars.

We are honored to have Professor Viral Acharya, C.V. Starr Professor of Economics at New York University and former Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, as our keynote speaker. Several members of the external program committee have already committed to serving as discussants.

The conference theme alternates annually between corporate finance/financial intermediation and asset pricing/investments. The theme for 2025 is corporate finance/financial intermediation.

We invite advanced PhD students and untenured faculty, who received their first full-time faculty appointment within the last eight years, to submit both theoretical and empirical papers to the conference. Non-presenting co-authors may be more senior.

Viral Acharya, New York University

Sudheer Chava, Georgia Institute of Technology
Kim Cornaggia, Pennsylvania State University
Jess Cornaggia, Pennsylvania State University
Isil Erel, Ohio State University
Mark Flannery, University of Florida
Vyacheslav (Slava) Fos, Boston College
Paolo Fulghieri, University of North Carolina
Simon Gervais, Duke University
Itay Goldstein, University of Pennsylvania
Jarrad Harford, University of Washington
Zhiguo He, University of Chicago
Jerry Hoberg, University of Southern California
Josh Lerner, Harvard University
Karl Lins, University of Utah
Tim Loughran, Notre Dame University
Asaf Manela, Washington University in St. Louis
Vikram Nanda, University of Texas at Dallas
Christian Opp, University of Rochester
Amiyatosh Purnanandam, University of Michigan
Berk Sensoy, Vanderbilt University
Phil Strahan, Boston College
Tracy Wang, University of Minnesota
Wenyu Wang, Indiana University
Zhenyu Wang, Indiana University
James Weston, Rice University

The deadline for paper submission is November 18, 2024, at 11:59pm CT.

Please first pay the $80 paper submission fee here: https://tamu.estore.flywire.com/products/paper-submission-for-the-9th-annual-young-scholars-finance-consortium-262935.
Then submit your paper here: https://forms.gle/UNkgQJ5oza9wkWKBA. Please include the order number from the submission fee receipt.

Papers authored solely by PhD students will be considered for the Best PhD Student Paper Award. The presenter of the awarded paper will be guaranteed a presentation slot and will receive up to $1,000 in travel expenses.

The conference will begin with a cocktail party on Thursday, March 20, followed by a full day of sessions, the keynote address, and dinner on March 21. Events on Saturday, March 22, will consist of a half day of sessions followed by lunch. The conference will take place in College Station, TX. Participants can fly into College Station (CLL – 10 minutes from the hotel), Houston, or Austin. Attendees will stay at The George, a new 4-star hotel, minutes away from our school.

Please contact the conference organizer, Christa Bouwman, at cbouwman@tamu.edu, if you have any questions or would like additional information about the conference.