New Ideas Sessions at the 2024 FMA Annual Meeting
Conference dates
16 Oct 2024 - 19 Oct 2024
Gaylord Texan Resort, Grapevine, TX
Following on prior year's successes, the Financial Management Association International will hold several New Ideas Sessions at the 2024 Annual Meeting on October 16 - 19, 2024 in Grapevine (Dallas), Texas. These sessions will provide people with the opportunity to receive feedback on research that is in its early stages. The ideal stage of research is a project for which you have a clear research question, you can clarify the contribution relative to prior literature, and you potentially have some preliminary results. In addition, these sessions will also provide the opportunity for people to network with other researchers with similar interests.
Each New Ideas session will consist of approximately five papers, on a related topic. The topics are Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing/Investments, Fintech, Behavioral Finance and Household Finance. Each person will have approximately five minutes to present their New Idea, followed by Q&A. At the conclusion of the session, there will be reserved time for networking among the presenters and other session participants.
Please submit a one-page proposal, outlining your research project. This proposal should clearly outline the main research question, and associated motivation and proposed contribution relative to prior literature. Applications accompanied by a completed paper are not eligible for the sessions. The submission deadline is Friday, 23 August 2024.
Finally, if you submitted a paper to the Annual Meeting, you may also submit a New Ideas Proposal. However, the New Ideas Proposal must be a different paper.
To submit your proposal, please go to
Each New Ideas session will consist of approximately five papers, on a related topic. The topics are Corporate Finance, Asset Pricing/Investments, Fintech, Behavioral Finance and Household Finance. Each person will have approximately five minutes to present their New Idea, followed by Q&A. At the conclusion of the session, there will be reserved time for networking among the presenters and other session participants.
Please submit a one-page proposal, outlining your research project. This proposal should clearly outline the main research question, and associated motivation and proposed contribution relative to prior literature. Applications accompanied by a completed paper are not eligible for the sessions. The submission deadline is Friday, 23 August 2024.
Finally, if you submitted a paper to the Annual Meeting, you may also submit a New Ideas Proposal. However, the New Ideas Proposal must be a different paper.
To submit your proposal, please go to