We are pleased to announce the reconfiguration of the Information & Library Science Research Network (InfoSciRN) eJournals to better reflect current scholarly research in the area. The new structure will be used to organize submissions in the future.

Changes to Subject Matter eJournals in InfoSciRN include:
  • Renaming of the Archival Science eJournal to Special Collections, Archives & Museums eJournal.
  • Renaming of the Data Science & Analytics eJournal to Data Science, Data Analytics & Informatics eJournal. This eJournal will incorporate content from the Informatics eJournal which will cease distribution.
  • Renaming of the Information Management eJournal to Information Curation, Management & Organization eJournal.
  • Renaming of the Information Policy & Ethics eJournal to Information Policy, Ethics, Access & Use eJournal. This eJournal will incorporate content from the Information Use eJournal which will cease distribution.
  • Renaming of the Information & Library Science Educator: Courses, Cases & Teaching eJournal to Information & Library Science Education eJournal.
  • Renaming of the Library Administration & Management eJournal to Library Management & Operations eJournal. This eJournal will incorporate content from the Library Operations & Services eJournal which will cease distribution.
  • And, renaming of the Library & Librarianship Types eJournal to Library Services & Librarianship eJournal.
* Subscribers from ceased eJournals will be moved to the eJournals into which content has been incorporated.

Current InfoSciRN Subject Matter eJournal selections are as follows:

Data Science, Data Analytics & Informatics eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Data-Science-Analytics.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Data-Science-Analytics

Description: This area includes content on the use of technology, statistics, computer science, and other methods to extract knowledge from structured and unstructured data. Topics can include data/text mining, bibliometrics, big data analytics, statistics, data fusion, data visualization, data protection, bioinformatics, and other applied informatics.

Generative AI eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Generative-AI.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Generative-AI

Description: This area includes content on generative pretrained transformers (GPT) and other generative artificial intelligence technologies, their potential uses, and ethical considerations.

Information & Library Science Education eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/InfoSciRN-Educator.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=InfoSciRN-Educator

Description: This area includes content on all aspects of Information & Library Science education. Topics include curriculum, assessments, certification, problem-based learning, transformative learning techniques, extension education, and the training of educators in this area. Content can include lecture notes, class summaries, outlines, supplementary materials, syllabi, problem sets, slide deck presentations, and other teaching materials.

Information & Library Science Negative Results eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/InfoSciRN-Negative-Results.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=InfoSciRN-Negative-Results

Description: This area includes content in which negative results were found. Negative results are instances in which the expected outcome of the research was not borne out by the results. The negative results area includes papers that have controversial or provocative results that challenge established theories as well as papers that replicate or support findings published elsewhere.

Information Curation, Management & Organization eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Information-Management.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Information-Management

Description: This area includes content on the principles and tools that support the management of information for diverse purposes. Topics can include acquisitions and collection development, digital asset management, knowledge management and organizational learning, records management, taxonomies and ontologies, database storage, search and retrieval, and the technologies and information systems that support those tasks.

Information Policy, Ethics, Access & Use eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Information-Policy-Ethics.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Information-Policy-Ethics

Description: This area includes content focused on ethical, legal, policy, and advocacy issues and their impact on how people and communities seek, gather, evaluate, and use information in order to meet diverse needs. Topics can include intellectual freedom, professional ethics, intellectual property, privacy, censorship, information access, digital divide, open access/open data, information seeking behavior, information literacy, and information overload.

Information Theory & Research eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Information-Theory-Research.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Information-Theory-Research

Description: This area includes content focused on the theory and principles underlying the acquisition, storage, and communication of information. Topics can include the history of the library and information science discipline, information economics, coding theory, and quantum information science.

Libraries & Information Technology eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Libraries-Information-Technology.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Libraries-Information-Technology

Description: This area includes content focused on the design, management, and use of information systems used in libraries, archives, and information centers including integrated library systems, databases, content management systems, web applications, artificial intelligence, robotics, and makerspaces.

Libraries & Media eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Libraries-Media.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Libraries-Media

Description: This area includes content focused on the intersection of media communications and libraries. Topics can include print and electronic publishing, digital storytelling, social media analytics, and scholarly communication.

Library Management & Operations eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Library-Management-Operations.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Library-Management-Operations

Description: This area includes content focused on leadership, management, and operational practices in libraries and information centers. Topics can include budgets and funding, assessment, policies and procedures, facilities management, electronic resources management and licensing, technical services, consortial cooperation, and services including interlibrary loan.

Library Services & Librarianship eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Library-Librarianship-Types.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Library-Librarianship-Types

Description: This area includes content focused on types of libraries and services delivered in various information service environments. Topics can include the practice of librarianship in academic, digital, special, public, government, corporate, prison, or school libraries and services to children, youth, or adults.

Special Collections, Archives & Museums eJournal

View Papers: https://ssrn.com/link/Special-Collections-Archives-Museums.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Special-Collections-Archives-Museums

Description: This area includes content focused on the curation, management, and use of special collections, archives, and museums, including digital archives, rare books and manuscripts, oral history, and cultural heritage artifacts.

You can subscribe to these areas by clicking on the "subscribe" links listed above.

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Information & Library Science Research Network

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