We are pleased to announce the creation of Geology Research Network (GeologyRN), which focuses on 12 major areas of scholarship. SSRN's newest network provides a worldwide online community for geology scholars and for the sharing of ideas across a broad spectrum of early stage research, including working papers, conference papers, preprints, etc. Five of the subject areas are migrating from Earth Science Research Network (EarthSciRN) to be part of the offerings in GeologyRN: Energy & Economic Geology; Engineering & Environmental Geology; Geochemistry & Petrology; Paleontology; and Structural Geology & Tectonics.

The following GeologyRN areas are available and subscriptions will be free during the start-up phase.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Applied-Geology.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Applied-Geology

Description: This area includes content on the application of geologic techniques and concepts to human activities and our interaction with the environment. Topics include studies in applied geochemistry and those addressing geologic aspects of environmental issues, carbon sequestration, hazards, and engineering works. (Content related to mineral, fossil fuel, and geothermal resource development and extraction can be found in the Energy & Economic Geology eJournal.)


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Energy-Economic-Geology.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Energy-Economic-Geology

Description: This area includes content on fossil fuel formation, migration, detection, and extraction; geothermal resource development; and the formation and exploitation of ores and other industrial minerals. This can include studies investigating the geological aspects as well as engineering aspects of mining and fossil fuel extraction.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Engineering-Environmental-Geology.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Engineering-Environmental-Geology

Description: This area includes content on applied Earth sciences with relevance to engineering projects and works. These could include investigations and case studies in applied geomorphology, geophysics, structural geology, environmental geology, hydrogeology, land use planning, natural hazards, soil and rock mechanics, and geotechnical engineering.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Geochemistry-Petrology.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Geochemistry-Petrology

Description: This area includes content on any aspect of geochemistry, mineralogy, and petrology, including low- and high-temperature systems and processes related to any part of the rock cycle. Studies addressing biological interactions in geochemical systems and applications of geochronological and isotope analysis are also welcome.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Geoinformatics-Comp-Methods-Geology.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Geoinformatics-Comp-Methods-Geology

Description: This area includes content on all aspects of geological data acquisition, processing, and modeling, and the application of computers and computational methods to geologic problems. This can include applications of computer aided spatial analysis via GIS and remote sensing methods to geologic investigations as well as interdisciplinary studies with a geologic component.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Geology-Educator-Courses-Cases-Teaching.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Geology-Educator-Courses-Cases-Teaching

Description: This area includes content that supports high quality student learning in geology and related disciplines, and is designed for the sharing of teaching materials. This includes casebooks, reviews of casebooks, lecture notes, class summaries, outlines, supplementary materials (for your own or someone else's book), syllabi, problem sets, PowerPoint presentations, videos, and other teaching materials.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Geology-Negative-Results.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Geology-Negative-Results

Description: This area includes content in which negative results were found. Negative results are instances in which the expected outcome of the research was not borne out by the results. The negative results area includes papers that have controversial or provocative results that challenge established theories as well as papers that replicate or support findings published elsewhere.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Geomorphology.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Geomorphology

Description: This area includes content on the study of the creation, development, and evolution of landforms over time. This can include the effects of climate, flowing water, wind, ice, gravity, and tectonic action operating from the coastal regions inland to the highest elevations. Studies of weathering processes and the development of soils and the critical zone are also included. Seafloor processes can be found in the Marine Geology eJournal.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Marine-Geology.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Marine-Geology

Description: This area includes content on the geology, geomorphology, and tectonics of the ocean basins and margins. Topics include mid-ocean ridge, transform, and subduction processes; marine sedimentology; methane/gas hydrates in marine sediments; marine volcanism and hydrothermal processes; and development of submarine landforms and islands.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Paleontology.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Paleontology

Description: This area includes content from all branches of paleontology spanning the entire history of life on Earth. We welcome studies that interrogate fossils to learn about the ecologies of the past, about evolutionary processes, and about our place as humans in the world.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Sedimentary-Geology-Stratigraphy.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Sedimentary-Geology-Stratigraphy

Description: This area includes content on the origin, transport, deposition, and diagenetic alterations of materials that make up sediments and sedimentary rocks. Content also includes advancements in the methods of dating and correlating strata, as well as studies of how the environment and conditions of deposition are preserved in the rock record.


View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Structural-Geology-Tectonics.html
Subscribe: https://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=Structural-Geology-Tectonics

Description: This area includes content on a wide range of structural geology and tectonic processes. All aspects of lithospheric deformation from the microscale to the regional scale may be included along with processes related to past, present, and future tectonic plate boundaries and plate motions.

You can subscribe to these areas at no cost, by clicking on the "subscribe" links listed above.

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The Geology Research Network (GeologyRN) hosts research content. You can subscribe to new content notifications through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at https://hq.ssrn.com.


Geology Research Network

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