Food Microbiology publishes original research articles, short research communications, and review papers dealing with all aspects of the microbiology of foods. The editors aim to publish manuscripts of the highest quality which are both relevant and applicable to the broad field covered by the journal. Studies must be novel and have a clear connection to the microbiology of foods or food production environments. The microbiological aspects of all stages of food production, from pre- to post-harvest and throughout processing and preparation, are of interest. Studies should be of general interest to the international community of food microbiologists. The editors make every effort to ensure rapid and fair reviews, resulting in timely publication of accepted manuscripts.
Papers relating to the following topics will be considered:
• Taxonomy, physiology, genetics, biochemistry, and behavior of microorganisms that are either used to make foods or that represent safety or quality problems
• Effects of preservatives, including bioprotectants, processes, and packaging systems on the microbiology of foods
• Methods for detection, identification, and enumeration of foodborne microorganisms or microbial toxins
• Microbiology of food fermentations
• Predictive microbiology and applications to foods
• Microbial communities and ecology of foods, food production, and food processing environments
• Microbiological aspects of food safety
• Microbiological aspects of general and sensorial food quality and spoilage
Food Microbiology First Look is a preview of the papers under review in the journal in an effort to increase transparency. Authors may choose to post a preprint version of their paper on SSRN during the submission process to the journal. Papers will appear on the First Look page when they are sent for peer review. The status will be updated when the paper is revised and accepted. If the paper is rejected it will move out of the First Look page and into the main SSRN repository.
Articles on SSRN are preprints that have not been peer-reviewed, and therefore should not be considered as truthful, established information. You can find peer-reviewed content of Food Microbiology on: