Subject Matter eJournals


Subscribable eJournals are noted by subscribe_fee and include papers that are classified in the Topics and Sub-Topics listed below the eJournal title. If you subscribe to an eJournal you will receive email announcements of newly received papers. To view all papers currently included in a listed eJournal click on the eJournal title below. For more information visit the SSRN Support Center.

Financial Economics Network eJournal Taxonomy

FEN Subject Matter eJournals
      Banking & Financial Institutions eJournal, Archives of Vols. 1-4, 2009-12
      Banking & Insurance eJournal subscribe_fee
      Behavioral & Experimental Finance (Editor's Choice) eJournal subscribe_free
      Behavioral & Experimental Finance eJournal subscribe_free
      Capital Markets: Asset Pricing & Valuation eJournal subscribe_fee
      Capital Markets: Market Efficiency eJournal subscribe_fee
      Capital Markets: Market Microstructure eJournal subscribe_fee
      Climate Finance eJournal subscribe_free
      Consumer Financial Fraud eJournal subscribe_fee
      Corporate Finance: Capital Structure & Payout Policies eJournal subscribe_fee
      Corporate Finance: Governance, Corporate Control & Organization eJournal subscribe_fee
      Corporate Finance: Valuation, Capital Budgeting & Investment Policy eJournal subscribe_fee
      Cryptocurrency Research eJournal subscribe_free
      Derivatives eJournal subscribe_fee
      Emerging Markets: Finance eJournal subscribe_fee
      European Finance eJournal subscribe_fee
      Finance Education eJournal subscribe_fee
      Financial Crises eJournal subscribe_free
      Financial Literacy eJournal subscribe_fee
      Governance, Incentives & Compensation eJournal subscribe_free
      History of Finance eJournal subscribe_fee
      Household Finance eJournal subscribe_fee
      International Corporate Finance eJournal subscribe_fee
      Mutual Funds, Hedge Funds & Investment Industry eJournal subscribe_free
      Pension Risk Management eJournal subscribe_fee
      Property, Casualty & Life Insurance eJournal subscribe_free
      Real Estate eJournal subscribe_fee
      Regulation of Financial Institutions eJournal subscribe_free
      Risk Management & Analysis in Financial Institutions eJournal subscribe_free
      Risk Management eJournal subscribe_fee
      Wealth Management (Editor's Choice) eJournal subscribe_free
      Wealth Management eJournal subscribe_free