
Announcing 29th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference 2016 eJournal

In cooperation with the Institute of Global Finance and the School of Banking and Finance at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), the Financial Economics Network (FEN) is pleased to announce the 29th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference 2016 eJournal. This eJournal is available to all subscribers at no charge and contains abstracts of the meeting papers with links to the full text in the SSRN eLibrary.

29th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference 2016 Logo

ISBN: 978-0-9873127-8-5

The Australasian Finance and Banking Conference is an annual event organized by the Institute of Global Finance and the School of Banking and Finance at the UNSW Business School. The event aims to promote discussion and interaction among researchers, academics, and practitioners interested in finance and banking fields, and draws a large crowd of both international and Australian participants to Sydney every December. The conference runs over three days and includes plenary sessions with distinguished keynote speakers, break-out sessions, social events, an International Business Forum with participation of eminent business leaders and policy makers, a one day PhD Forum that attracts papers for presentations from amongst the best business schools around the world, and other initiatives such as the Women in Finance session that discusses gender initiatives in the field. There are a number of prizes for best papers in different fields associated with this conference, including a BlackRock prize of $10,000 for the best paper in Mutual Funds and/or Capital Markets. This eJournal provides a data warehouse for all abstracts and papers presented at the annual Conference. Abstracts of the papers will also be distributed in subject-specific eJournals within FEN and, where appropriate, in the eJournals of our sister networks.

View Papers: http://www.ssrn.com/link/29th-Australasian-2016.html
Subscribe: http://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=29th-Australasian-2016
Conference URL: http://www.banking.unsw.edu.au/afbc%22


SSRN's searchable electronic library contains abstracts, full bibliographic data, and author contact information for more than 723,500 papers, more than 333,600 authors, and full text for more than 609,000 papers. The eLibrary can be accessed at http://papers.ssrn.com.

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The Financial Economics Network (FEN) distributes other eJournals. You can subscribe to these eJournals through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at http://hq.ssrn.com.


Michael C. Jensen
Financial Economics Network