Founded in 1907, ESSEC Business School – Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques et Commerciales – is a higher education and research institution with French roots and a global reach. ESSEC is positioned as a leader in its home market, regularly ranked by the general and business press as among the leading management schools in France and the best worldwide.
Our teaching, research, and corporate relations are carried out on our five campuses, two of which are in France (Cergy, La Défense), one in Asia (Singapore), and one in Africa (Rabat - Morocco). Our fifth campus is entirely digital, the Digital Augmented Campus. Each year, approximately 7,000 full-time students and 5,000 executive education participants are enrolled at ESSEC.
As a citizen institution conscious of its duties to society, ESSEC aims to improve the management of organizations by producing and disseminating knowledge, concepts, and methods in line with the challenges of the 21st century. ESSEC's research goals are backed by the ESSEC Research Center, founded in 1963.
The ESSEC Business School Research Paper Series is an electronic journal that publishes selective articles reflecting ESSEC researchers' expertise, emphasizing the highest quality theoretical, experimental, and empirical contributions to ESSEC's main research areas. It covers most economics and management research topics, with a significant presence of other disciplines of which these two fields are tributaries or that find essential applications therein.
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