We are pleased to announce Department of Economics, Business and Statistics (d/SEAS) at University of Palermo, has started a new Economics Departments Research Papers series within the Economics Research Network (ERN).
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The aim of the SWPs at the Department of Economics Business & Management and Statistics of the University of Palermo is to share with a wide audience of academics, practitioners and policy-makers original research in the fields of economics, business & management, law, sociology and statistics. The main requirement is that the work relates to the research agenda of the d/SEAS (please see our web page). This can be work in progress or work ready for publication and there are no copyright restrictions regarding the use of material from these working papers in future publications. The members of d/SEAS, as well as all visitors, phD students, participants in conferences and workshops organized by the d/SEAS and colleagues all over the world are encouraged to submit their papers to the SWPs. Papers submitted as pre-print or post-print of essays published or to be published elsewhere will not undergo a peer review procedure. Nonetheless, the Associate Editors check whether received proposals are sufficiently original within their field of research. All working papers are available through our web pages in .pdf format.
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Michael C. Jensen
Economics Research Network
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