We are pleased to announce Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics has joined our Partners in Publishing Journals within the Economics Research Network (ERN).
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The Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics (JKAU: IE) has the honor to be the first professional journal in the field of Islamic economics. It started publishing in 1403H (1983) under the title, "Journal of Research in Islamic Economics." Over the years, it published some of the classical articles written by the pioneers of the newly emerging discipline of Islamic economics. The contributions published in the journal, the scope of which included Islamic finance, led to generating great interest in the field. Due to practical reasons Islamic finance developed much faster than the "pure" Islamic economics, though generally speaking finance was part of economics, especially in 1980s. Some of the most interesting debates on ribā (bank interest); Islamic banking and to a lesser extent in zakāh, awqāf etc., were published in this journal. In this way, the journal spearheaded the development of the Islamic Finance Industry which now has a global reach and a size of multi-trillion dollars. The journal started publishing under the present name in 1409H (1989) and has since been publishing regularly twice a year in English and Arabic under one cover. Starting 2015, it has started publishing three issues per year: English in January and July and Arabic in October. In 2009, the journal won a listing in Scopus, one of the most prestigious indexing services. It is also included in the EconLit Journals list https://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/journal_list.php. JKAU: IE is a peer-reviewed open access journal. Articles can be downloaded free of cost from its site: http://iei.kau.edu.sa/Pages-E-JKAU-IEHome.aspx.
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Michael C. Jensen
Economics Research Network
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