In cooperation with JaganNath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, the Engineering Research Network (EngRN) is pleased to announce the International Conference on Advancements in Computing & Management (ICACM) 2019 online proceedings. The proceedings are available to all users at no charge and contain abstracts of publicly available papers presented at the conference with links to the full text in the SSRN eLibrary.
The International Conference on Advancements in Computing & Management (ICACM-2019) was organized at JaganNath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, on April 13-14, 2019. The papers included in these proceedings were presented at ICACM - 2019.
The conference was interdisciplinary in nature and the participants were faculty members/research scholars/industry persons/scholars from different colleges, industries, universities of India and abroad. The eminent keynote speakers were invited from IITs, NITs, Indian and Foreign Universities. The aim of this international conference was to bring together all leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research about recent trends and developments in the field of Science, Technology and Management on this premier interdisciplinary platform.
Research in science and technology has played a role in improvising human life to a large extent. In the present era, rapid and radical changes are being visualized in every corner of society, particularly in the field of Science, Technology and Management. Computing and management have revolutionized nearly every facet of modern life in the past decades, from healthcare to education, manufacturing to transport, and entertainment to agriculture. The design, implementation, evaluation of algorithms, computing & systems for combinatorial optimization problems, and sustainable business practices foster cooperation among researchers in computer science, networking, mathematical programming, operations researches, management. For ICACM - 2019, more than 580 papers were received involving more than 1200 authors from countries like the United States of America, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and many more.
We are thankful to all the authors for their valuable contribution to the conference and for bringing forth significant research and literature across the field of Science, Technology and Management. The editors also express their sincere gratitude to ICACM - 2019's patron, plenary speakers, keynote speakers, reviewers, program committee members, international advisory committee, local organizing committee, sponsors, and student volunteers. Without their valuable support the quality of the conference could not be maintained.
Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to SSRN and its team for the valuable support in the publication of the proceedings.
Prof. Dr. Vivek Kumar Sharma
Dr. Amit Kumar Saraf
Mr. Gajendra Shrimal
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SSRN's searchable library contains abstracts, full bibliographic data, and author contact information for more than 895,500 papers, more than 435,300 authors, and full text for more than 764,500 papers. This content can be accessed at
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The International Conference on Advancements in Computing & Management (ICACM-2019) was organized at JaganNath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India, on April 13-14, 2019. The papers included in these proceedings were presented at ICACM - 2019.
The conference was interdisciplinary in nature and the participants were faculty members/research scholars/industry persons/scholars from different colleges, industries, universities of India and abroad. The eminent keynote speakers were invited from IITs, NITs, Indian and Foreign Universities. The aim of this international conference was to bring together all leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research about recent trends and developments in the field of Science, Technology and Management on this premier interdisciplinary platform.
Research in science and technology has played a role in improvising human life to a large extent. In the present era, rapid and radical changes are being visualized in every corner of society, particularly in the field of Science, Technology and Management. Computing and management have revolutionized nearly every facet of modern life in the past decades, from healthcare to education, manufacturing to transport, and entertainment to agriculture. The design, implementation, evaluation of algorithms, computing & systems for combinatorial optimization problems, and sustainable business practices foster cooperation among researchers in computer science, networking, mathematical programming, operations researches, management. For ICACM - 2019, more than 580 papers were received involving more than 1200 authors from countries like the United States of America, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, the United Arab Emirates, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and many more.
We are thankful to all the authors for their valuable contribution to the conference and for bringing forth significant research and literature across the field of Science, Technology and Management. The editors also express their sincere gratitude to ICACM - 2019's patron, plenary speakers, keynote speakers, reviewers, program committee members, international advisory committee, local organizing committee, sponsors, and student volunteers. Without their valuable support the quality of the conference could not be maintained.
Finally, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to SSRN and its team for the valuable support in the publication of the proceedings.
Prof. Dr. Vivek Kumar Sharma
Dr. Amit Kumar Saraf
Mr. Gajendra Shrimal
View Papers:
Conference URL:
SSRN's searchable library contains abstracts, full bibliographic data, and author contact information for more than 895,500 papers, more than 435,300 authors, and full text for more than 764,500 papers. This content can be accessed at
SSRN supports open access by allowing authors to upload papers to the platform for free through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at - and by providing free downloading of those papers.
Downloads from SSRN in the past 12 months total more than 12.6 million, with more than 143.9 million downloads since inception.
Searching on an individual's name in the author field on our search page at provides a directory of scholars that includes contact information for authors, including email, postal, telephone, and fax information.
SSRN's objective is to provide rapid, worldwide distribution of research to authors and their readers and to facilitate communication among them at the lowest possible cost. In pursuit of this objective, we allow authors to upload papers without charge. And, any paper an author uploads to SSRN is downloadable for free, worldwide.
The Engineering Research Network (EngRN) hosts research content. You can subscribe to new content notifications through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at
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