In cooperation with TKM College of Engineering, the Engineering Research Network (EngRN) is pleased to announce the International Conference on Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2021) eJournal. This eJournal is available to all subscribers at no charge and contains abstracts of the meeting papers with links to the full text in the SSRN eLibrary.

The International Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 21), hosted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering of TKM College of Engineering, in association with VSSC, ISRO, is the third of its kind bringing together academia, researchers, engineers, and students in the field of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering. The conference is sponsored by TKM College Trust, TEQIP II, Institution of Engineers India, PTA, Silverline Metals, and TKMCE Alumni Association. The conference theme was "Facing the future, Growth through Sustainability".

The conference was inaugurated by the Director of VSSC, ISRO, Shri. S. Somanath on 16th December 2021. Jb Shahal Hassan Musaliar, President, TKM College Trust, presided over the conference function. Padma Shree Prof. K. Vijay Raghavan, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Govt. of India, was the guest of honor.

The inaugural session was followed by the Space Technology Workshop presented by Dr. Sunil P., Scientist/Engr grade G, VSSC, ISRO Trivandrum, discussing the challenges in space mission, manned mission, human space flight, and space capsule recovery experiments done at VSSC. The conference had 4 invited talks by eminent researchers and entrepreneurs. Dr. Sunil Chandrakant Joshi from School of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, presented a discussion on the topic "Engineered polymer composites data augmentation for machine learning". Dr. Sanjaya Vipula Bandara of Advanced Medical Devices Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, presented a discussion on the recent trends in healthcare technologies. Ms. Maria Kellis, President & CEO MKI Group, Athens, Greece, and Prof. Prem Vrat, Honorary Visiting Professor IIT Delhi, India, presented a discussion on the topic "re-imaging Industrial Engineering 4.0 for value creation". Dr. Alex P. James, Associate Dean, Kerala Digital University, was the guest of honor speaker. The conference had 9 technical sessions with 43 papers organized in the parallel mode on streams for Thermal, Design, Manufacturing and Management. The presentations provided a platform for academicians to interact.

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