We are pleased to announce Platte River Natural Resource Reports (PRNR) has started an Ecology Research Centers Papers series within the Ecology Research Network (EcoRN).
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Ecology Research Network
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View Papers: https://www.ssrn.com/link/Platte-River-Natural-Resource-Report-RES.html
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The Platte River Natural Resource Reports (PRNR) Research Paper Series publishes natural-resource-related studies associated with the Platte River and its broader watershed including short communications, natural history notes, observational studies, engineering designs, modeling studies, human dimensions of natural resources studies, conservation-related social science, descriptions of restoration techniques, natural resource policy papers, conservations plans, species lists, species habitat assessments, metadata analyses, management plans, stakeholder analyses, previously unpublished reports, and other materials relevant to the Platte River Basin or species of concern that depend on it. All papers must be grounded in the scientific literature (not simply editorial opinion pieces).HOW TO SUBSCRIBE
The paper series is intended to provide an outlet for useful reports that inform conservation practice but may not be attractive to mainstream peer-reviewed journals because of their strictly applied nature, limited sample sizes, or narrow spatial scopes. This series also provides an excellent outlet for well-done student research. The priority of the Platte River Natural Resource Reports eJournal is to share the most up-to-date information available regarding conservation science and practice with practitioners in the Platte River Basin.
This limited-release journal is generously funded by the Crane Trust, with editorial support from Audubon Great Plains and the International Crane Foundation. Another goal of this journal is to provide an affordable outlet for a significant amount of applied conservation research related to the Platte River. There is no fee associated with submitting or publishing an article in the Platte River Natural Resource Reports eJournal. Priority will be given to articles submitted on behalf of conservation organizations such as non-profits and state agencies that often lack funds for publication fees.
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Ecology Research Network
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