Subject Matter eJournals
Subscribable eJournals are noted by and include papers that are classified in the Topics and Sub-Topics listed below the eJournal title. If you subscribe to an eJournal you will receive email announcements of newly received papers. To view all papers currently included in a listed eJournal click on the eJournal title below. For more information visit the SSRN Support Center.
Corporate Governance Network eJournal Taxonomy
CGN Subject Matter eJournals
Corporate Governance & Accounting eJournal
Corporate Governance & Economics eJournal
Corporate Governance & Finance eJournal
Corporate Governance & Law eJournal
Corporate Governance & Management eJournal
Corporate Governance & Psychology eJournal
Corporate Governance Education eJournal
Corporate Governance Practice eJournal
Corporate Governance: Acquisitions, Mergers, Contests for Control, & Activism eJournal
Corporate Governance: Actors & Players eJournal
Corporate Governance: Arrangements & Laws eJournal
Corporate Governance: Bankruptcy, Financial Distress & Reorganization eJournal
Corporate Governance: Capital Raising, Investments, Distributions & Market Trading eJournal
Corporate Governance: Comparative Studies eJournal
Corporate Governance: Compensation of Executives & Directors eJournal
Corporate Governance: Disclosure, Internal Control & Risk-Management eJournal
Corporate Governance: Economic Consequences, History, Development & Methodology eJournal
Corporate Governance: Governance of Special Types of Firms eJournal
Corporate Governance: Internal Governance, Organization & Processes eJournal
Corporate Governance: International/Non-US eJournal
Corporate Governance: Social Responsibility & Social Impact eJournal
Corporate Reputation eJournal
Other Corporate Governance eJournal
SEIN Corporate Governance & Accountability eJournal, Archives of Vols. 1-3, 2007-2009
SEIN Environmental Impacts of Business eJournal, Archives of Vols. 1-3, 2007-2009
SEIN Ethical Business Practices eJournal, Archives of Vols. 1-3, 2007-2009
SEIN Social Impacts of Business eJournal, Archives of Vols. 1-3, 2007-2009