The Centre for Digital Ethics (CEDE) Research Paper Series hosts copyright-free documents of many kinds and formats - including but not only preprints of research articles, review articles, drafts of chapters, Master and PhD theses, PowerPoint Presentations, preprints of book reviews, commentaries, anthologies, translations, etc. - addressing the governance, ethical, legal, and social implications (GELSI) of the digital revolution.
CEDE is a Centre in the Department of Legal Studies, Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna. It develops and coordinates interdisciplinary research on GELSI problems brought about by digital data, algorithms, services, infrastructures, and corresponding practices to formulate and support ethically sound, sustainable, and socially preferable solutions. Through its activities, the CEDE offers an international forum to all researchers, scholars, scientists, decision-makers, policymakers, lawmakers, and experts working to understand and shape the normative aspects of digital innovation and transformation, and their impact on individuals, societies, cultures, and environments.
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