
Queen Mary University of London, School of Business and Management
PhD Studentships

The School of Business and Management, QMUL, invites applications for PhD Studentships, commencing September 2018.


We welcome applications from suitably qualified candidates from the UK, EU and overseas for full-time study in the following subject areas: Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Employment Relations, Equality and Diversity, Human Resource Management, Management & Organization Studies, Public Management, Supply Chain Management, Strategic Management, Information Management, Monetary and Macroeconomics, Labour Economics, Public Economics, International Business and Leadership.

The research proposals submitted by applicants should normally fit at least one of the School's centres/groups:
- Behavioural Finance Working Group (BFWG)
- Business Ecosystems Research Group (BERG)
- Accounting & Accountability Research Group (AARG)
- Centre for Globalisation Research (CGR)
- Centre for Research in Equality and Diversity (CRED)
- Centre on Labour and Global Production (CLGP)
- Marketing Interactions & Consumer Behaviour Group (MICBG)
- Organisational Learning Research Group (OLRG)
- Public Management and Regulation Cluster (PMR)
- Borderlines: Action Research Cluster in Creative and Cultural Economies (BARCCE)

Candidates must specify which research group they wish to join and identify potential supervisor(s) on their application form. Candidates are encouraged to discuss their research proposal with a member of academic staff specialising in their research area.


The School of Business and Management QMUL, invites applications to be put forward for ESRC 1+3 (MRes + PhD), +3 (PhD) Studentships commencing September 2018, through the London Interdisciplinary Social Science (LISS) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP).

We welcome applications particularly under the following thematic pathways:
Pathway 4: Economics, Finance & the World Economy
Pathway 5: Work, Organisations & Business Management
Pathway 13: Politics, Public Policy & Governance

Candidates must specify which thematic pathway and sub-pathway their proposed work is most closely affiliated with and identify potential supervisor(s) on their application form.

Visit to identify the sub-pathway that best fits your proposed research.

Eligibility for the ESRC awards is based on UK residency, see:

To apply for a 1+3 or +3 studentship with LISS DTP, you must simultaneously complete (i) the online apllication to join an MRes or the PhD programme in the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary University of London, and (ii) studentship application to LISS DTP by the closing date.

CANDIDATE PROFILE: To apply you will normally have a first degree with first class honors (or equivalent) and a Master's degree at distinction level, in business/management or a discipline related to your research topic, and an overall IELTS score of 7. Borderline cases will be considered individually.

Queen Mary University of London is committed to the provision of equality of opportunity for all its students and staff. We welcome applications from all suitably qualified candidates regardless of their race and ethnicity, sex, parental status, disability, religion/belief, sexual orientation and gender identity, or age.

THE AWARD: The Studentships consist of the full cost of (home or overseas) fees and British Pound 16,553 a year for maintenance for 3 years (4 years for ESRC 1+3 studentships). The School also provides all PhD researchers with a British Pound 1,000 research allowance for conference attendance and other research related expenses. Award holders will be expected to be resident in London during the period of the studentship.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: The closing date for all applications is 31st January 2018, 17:00 GMT.

FURTHER INFORMATION: For full details on these studentships, please see:

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: For further details and how to apply please visit:

General enquiries should be addressed to the School of Business and Management PhD Administrator, Saima Ahmed (

Posted: 20 Dec 2017