
Kent State University
Department Chair

The Department of Accounting at Kent State University invites applications for the position of department chair. This is a tenured position at the rank of Full Professor. The anticipated starting date is July 1, 2018.

JOB QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates should currently hold rank of Associate or Full professor at an AACSB accredited school. The minimum acceptable academic credential is a Ph.D. in Accounting or equivalent. Applicants must have an established record of high quality scholarly research and teaching in order to be qualified for tenure and appointment as Full Professor. Evidence of significant academic leadership experience is desired. All accounting skill areas will be considered. The successful candidate will be expected to teach effectively in his or her area of specialty at all levels. Candidates must be able to demonstrate the successful leadership skills required for a department chair and assist the department in fulfilling its role by increasing the effectiveness of our core areas and maintaining AACSB accreditation. Professional certification and practical work experience is preferred, as is a history of developing mutual relationships with the accounting profession and business community.

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE, AND DEPARTMENT: Kent State University is the second largest university in the state of Ohio. Located in northeast Ohio, Kent State's eight-campus system serves approximately 40,000 students. The Department of Accounting has an undergraduate accounting program, a Master of Science in Accounting program and a Ph.D. program in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. The College of Business Administration currently subscribes to WRDS and a variety of datasets commonly used in business and accounting research. The College of Business Administration is accredited by AACSB International. The Department of Accounting holds separate AACSB accounting accreditation as well.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: The faculty recruiting committee will examine applications upon receipt of the curriculum vitae, a summary of relevant administrative experience and effectiveness, a summary describing research interests, a summary evidencing teaching experience and effectiveness, and a list of three references with contact information. Applications will be reviewed beginning immediately and continue until the position is filled. To receive full consideration, applications should be submitted by December 1, 2017.

Availability of this position is contingent upon final administrative approval as well as funding. To apply, please register at, search for position # 998789, and provide your basic information and the application materials described above. Kent State University is an equal opportunity-affirmative action employer.

Posted: 17 Oct 2017