
NHH Norwegian School of Economics
Junior Research Position in Business Taxation

Applications are invited for a Junior Research Position in Business Taxation at NHH Norwegian School of Economics.

NHH ( invites candidates in tax and public finance to apply for a four-year assistant professor/postdoctoral research position at the Department of Business and Management Science. Teaching languages at the school are English and Norwegian. For highly qualified candidates fluency in English is sufficient to apply. In order to qualify for a permanent position at a later stage, however, basic knowledge of Norwegian is required.

JOB DESCRIPTION: The position is associated with the Norwegian Center for Taxation, and applicants are expected to have a research interest in areas such as multinational corporations and taxation, tax accounting, tax planning and tax evasion, financial crime, taxation and risk, corporate taxation, the relationship between corporate and personal taxation, executive compensation and taxation, taxation and entrepreneurship, taxation and family firms, as well as how the tax system affects resource allocation and productivity.

JOB QUALIFICTIONS: Applicants should have a strong research potential and have completed, or be close to completing, a PhD in a relevant field. In the assessment of applicants, international experience and qualifications will be emphasized.

The teaching load is very competitive and the salary is comparable to other European business schools. The Norwegian Center for Taxation collaborates with the Norwegian Tax Administration on access to register data for research.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Interested candidates should submit an electronic application with curriculum vitae, research papers, and a research plan by October 20th 2017. Starting date is negotiable. The full announcement and application procedure is available at

ABOUT NHH: NHH is a first-rate European business school with a strong research tradition, located in beautiful surroundings just outside downtown Bergen. It is the top school for business students in Norway and has a unique relationship to the Norwegian business and financial community. The school has about 130 full-time faculty members and 3500 students. Courses are offered at the undergraduate, master, and doctorate levels.

FURTHER INFORMATION: Questions may be addressed to Guttorm Schjelderup, phone: + 47 55 95 92 38, email:

Posted: 5 Sep 2017