University of Alberta, Department of Accounting, Operations and Information Systems
Tenure-Track Faculty Position in Accounting
Competition No. - A103033725
Closing Date - Will remain open until filled.
The University of Alberta School of Business invites applications for a tenure-track position in Accounting with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2018.
JOB QUALIFICATIONS: For an appointment at the assistant professor level, applicants must have or be close to completion of their PhD in an appropriate field with demonstrated research and teaching potential; appointment in the latter case will be contingent upon the completion of the PhD by an agreed-upon date. Appointments at a more senior level (Associate of Full Professor) may be considered depending on qualifications and experience. For an associate/full professor appointment, we require a PhD, a high quality publication record in top journals in accounting, and evidence of teaching excellence. Proficiency in English is required.
JOB DESCRIPTION: Responsibilities include teaching accounting courses in undergraduate and graduate programs, conducting and publishing research in top tier accounting journals, and service to the School's academic activities. The Alberta School of Business has an energetic PhD program and the successful candidate will be expected to play an active role in its continuing success and development.
ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY AND SCHOOL: The University of Alberta is one of Canada's largest and most-respected research universities. The University is home to 39,000 students, 15,000 faculty and staff and hosts numerous internationally recognized scholars.
The Alberta School of Business is one of the world's leading institutions in business education and research. Our vision is "Leaders from Alberta for the World". Our mission is to excel and lead through research, teaching and external engagement. We are one of the largest business schools in Canada with 75 faculty members, 2000 undergraduate students, and 600 students in our MBA and PhD programs. For more information about the School please visit our web site at and for more information about the Department of Accounting, Operations and Information Systems, please see
ABOUT THE AREA: The City of Edmonton is a vibrant multi-cultural centre with over one million people that offers the benefits of an urban lifestyle combined with high-quality schools, varied restaurants, excellent theatre, reliable public transportation and ample opportunities for recreation.
FURTHER INFORMATION: Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and is competitive with similar research-focused business schools in North America.
To assist the University in complying with mandatory reporting requirements of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (R203(3) (e)), please include the first digit of your Canadian Social Insurance Number in your application. If you do not have a Canadian Social Insurance Number, please indicate this in your application.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applications should include curriculum vitae, samples of research, any available teaching ratings, and names of three referees who have been asked to send confidential letters of assessment. This competition will remain open until filled. Please send application by e-mail (PDF files) to:
Dr. Karim Jamal, Chair
Department of Accounting, Operations and Information Systems
Alberta School of Business
University of Alberta
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.
The University of Alberta is committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive workforce. We welcome applications from all qualified persons. We encourage women; First Nations, Metis and Inuit persons; members of visible minority groups; persons with disabilities; persons of any sexual orientation or gender identity and expression; and all those who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas and the University to apply.
Posted: 31 Aug 2017