University of Otago, School of Business, Department of Accountancy and Finance
Lecturer or Senior Lecturer in Finance
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT: Finance at the University of Otago has a long history, and the Department includes some of the most outstanding teachers and researchers in the Business School and the University. The Department is a CFA Programme Partner.
Our Faculty is internationally-recognised for its scholarly contributions in the fields of Corporate Finance, Investments, Derivatives and Quantitative Finance, Financial Econometrics, Capital Markets, Institutions and Regulation, and in emerging areas such as Carbon Finance. Current faculty have published in leading journals, including Journal of Finance, Journal of Business, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Journal of Financial Markets and Journal of Banking and Finance. The department has excellent access to datasets to support cutting-edge research (e.g. Bloomberg, CRSP/Compustat, DataStream, Capital IQ and tick data through SIRCA).
JOB DESCRIPTION: We particularly seek new colleagues who are team focused and will augment and bolster our existing teaching and research strengths; however we encourage applications from people who teach and research in all finance-related themes.
- Minimum qualifications are a Ph.D. in finance or equivalent.
- Proficiency in research and publication in finance.
- Strong commitment to quality teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.
- A research agenda aimed at internationally-rated finance/economics/business journals.
Candidates nearing completion of the Ph.D. degree may be considered only for the lecturer position.
FURTHER DETAILS: Starting date for the appointment will be at a mutually agreeable time. The Department's first priority is to gain quality appointees, and every effort will be made to accommodate them.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Applications quoting reference number 1701420 will close on Friday, 13 October 2017.
To view all current vacancies and to apply online go to:
Equal opportunity in employment is University policy.
E tautoko ana Te Whare Wananga o Otago i te kaupapa whakaorite whiwhinga mahi.
Posted: 27 Sep 2017