Washington and Lee University, Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics
Assistant or Associate Professor of Accounting
The Department of Accounting at Washington & Lee University invites applications for a tenure track position at the assistant or associate level beginning in Fall 2018 (start date in Spring 2018 is possible). Washington and Lee is a small, private, highly selective university located in the scenic Shenandoah Valley. Its Williams School of Commerce, Economics, and Politics has been AACSB accredited since 1927.
JOB QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants should have a doctorate (or be close to completion) in Accounting or a related field from an AACSB accredited business school and have teaching interests in managerial/cost accounting. In addition to requiring high quality teaching, applicants are expected to conduct research publishable in peer-reviewed journals in their area of choice. To support research, the School subscribes to several popular databases available through WRDS.
APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Candidates should email a cover letter, curriculum vitae, evidence of teaching effectiveness and scholarly work, and a list of three references to accountingfacultyposition@wlu.edu. No applications will be accepted via postal mail. We plan to conduct preliminary interviews at the 2017 AAA annual meeting in San Diego, CA followed by campus visits in early fall.
Washington and Lee and the Department of Accounting are interested in candidates committed to high standards of scholarship and professional activities, and to the development of a campus climate that supports equality and diversity among its faculty, staff, and students. The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Posted: 13 Jun 2017