
Xavier University, Williams College of Business
Assistant or Associate Professor

The Williams College of Business at Xavier University invites applications for a tenure track position in the Department of Accountancy at the Assistant or Associate Professor level beginning Fall 2018. The Williams College of Business is AACSB accredited. Xavier University is a Catholic University in the Jesuit tradition located in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Department of Accountancy consists of 9 full time accounting faculty and 3 full time business law faculty. The accounting department curriculum supports an undergraduate degree in Accounting, a Master of Science in Accountancy and provides core courses for the college's MBA programs.

JOB DESCRIPTION: Assistant or Associate Professor with a commitment to provide excellent teaching and quality research, as well as service to the profession and university. Faculty members at Xavier are expected to teach in both undergraduate and master's programs in live and on-line formats.

JOB QUALIFICATIONS: It is preferred that applicants have a Ph.D. in accounting, but an ABD expected to be completed by the start of the Fall 2018 semester will be considered. Strong candidates will have compelling evidence of teaching effectiveness, an active scholarly agenda, professional certification (CPA or similar), and relevant professional work experience. The primary teaching responsibility will be in financial accounting or accounting information systems. A secondary interest in financial or managerial accounting at an introductory level in both the undergraduate and MBA programs is also desirable.

Xavier will be interviewing qualified candidates at the AAA annual meeting in San Diego CA. To ensure consideration for an interview applicants should submit a cover letter, vitae, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and the names and contact information for three references, no later than June 30, 2017.

Candidates not planning to attend the AAA meeting should submit materials no later than August 13, 2017, to ensure consideration for the position. Xavier University has a strong commitment to diversity and seeks a broad spectrum of candidates including women and minorities.

APPLICATION PROCEDURE: Please submit materials through Xavier University's website:

Contact: David Randolph, Chair of the Search Committee, at or Department of Accountancy, Smith Hall, 3800 Victory Parkway, Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH 45207-1211. If desired you may send additional materials to this address.

Xavier Is An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Posted: 6 Jun 2017