Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Economic Research Paper Series

The series collects research funded through the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's Research Program on Economic Institutions, Behavior and Performance. Since 2008, this program has granted tens of millions of dollars for original economic research in four basic areas.

- Economic Implications of the Great Recession
Studies of markets and governments, specifically with regard to lessons we can draw from the 2008 financial crisis and the Great Recession.

- Behavioral Economics and Household Finance
Studies individuals and households, specifically with regard to the quality of their economic decision-making.

- Economic Analysis of Science and Technology
Studies of research institutions and groundbreaking industries, specifically with regard to human capital development and applications of information technology.

- Empirical Economic Research Enablers
Studies of the social science enterprise, specifically with regard to data needs, opportunities, incentives, and professional practices.

While this list is neither exhaustive nor predictive, it does describe focii of some Sloan Foundation funding in the recent past. To see preprints of papers in each category, simply click on the appropriate header on SSRN's Sloan eJournal site.

Although support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation helped produce each of the preprints listed in this new collection, the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the sponsor. For more information about the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, please visit

If your research was supported through the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's Program on Economic Institutions, Behavior and Performance but does not yet appear here, please contact to have your results included in this series.

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