In cooperation with University of Adelaide, the Sustainability Research & Policy Network (SRPN) is pleased to announce the 2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability - Cities (icRS Cities) online Proceedings. These proceedings are available to all users at no charge and contain abstracts of the conference papers with links to the full text in the SSRN eLibrary.
2019 International Conference on Resource Sustainability - Cities (icRS Cities) Logo
Rapid urbanization has to a large extent improved the quality of life of human beings. Improvements include diverse products and services, improved infrastructure, better working and living environment, etc. Meanwhile, a number of challenges exist such as depleting natural resources, energy, soil pollution, water pollution, and air quality. In essence, the overconsumption of resources played a critical role in the emergence of these challenges.

To deal with these pressing issues, it is imperative to employ a holistic approach which brings all related disciplines together. Indeed, all professions (e.g. architects, urban planners, engineers, policy makers, construction managers, developers) play important roles in achieving sustainable urbanization. By dealing with these challenges properly, the sustainability of urban systems will also be improved.

Main topics of the proceedings include:
• Circular economy
• Emissions, effects and management of air pollutants and greenhouse gases
• Energy systems
• Food and food waste
• Green buildings
• Green infrastructure
• Housing market and policy
• Land use efficiency
• Resource efficiency
• Resource recovery
• Smart cities
• Solid waste management
• Sustainable behavior
• Sustainable materials
• Sustainable mobility
• Sustainable supply chain
• Sustainable urbanization
• Urban mining
• Urban renewal
• Urban resilience
• Waste reduction, reuse, and recycling
• Water systems

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John Peters
Sustainability Research & Policy Network

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