In cooperation with Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, the MRN International Business & Management Network (MRN-INTL) is pleased to announce the 10th International Conference on Digital Strategies for Organizational Success Online Proceedings. These proceedings are available to all users at no charge and contain abstracts of the conference papers with links to the full text in the SSRN eLibrary.
Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior, organized its 10th International Conference in collaboration with Indian Economic Association and The Econometric Society on "Digital Strategies for Organizational Success" during January 5-7, 2019. The members of the core committee were Dr. Rahul Pratap Singh Kaurav (Organizing Secretary), Dr. Vani Agarwal, and Dr. Monika Gupta. The event received sponsorship from AIMS (Association of Indian Management Schools) and MPCST (Madhya Pradesh Council of Science and Technology).
The conference was divided into 11 different technical sessions. The details are as follows:
Technical Session One was Best Ph.D. Thesis. A total of eight theses were presented.
Technical Session Two was on IT and keywords were: hotel, frequency, collaborative, allocation, images, dataset, fuzzy, algebraic, theorem, ideals, non-constant, additive application.
Technical Session Three was on HRM and keywords were: leadership, engagement, employee, literature, relationship, job, extroversion, personality, intention, turnover, emotional.
Technical Session Four was on Financial Management and keywords were: rural, services, customer, loans, bitcoins, currency, cryptocurrency, retrieved, nations, reforms, primary, trends, futures, data, co-integrations, nifty, index, tax, pair, GST, price, goods.
Technical Session Five was on General Management and keywords were: administration, public institutions, government, education, technology, banking, satisfaction, cashless, FDI, tourist, travels, international.
Technical Session Six was on Marketing Management and keywords were: social, college, users, strategy, regression, relationship, digital, motivated, medical, doctors, tourism, hospitals, health.
Technical Session Seven was on Financial Management and keywords were: card, payments, transactions, ATM, credit, e-banking, internet, money, electronic, competition, PFMA, SASSA.
Technical Session Eight was on Human Resource Management and keywords were: leadership, engagement, employee, literature, relationship, job, extroversion, personality, intention, turnover, emotional.
Technical Session Nine was on Marketing Management and keywords were: startups, media, following, email, channels, buying, Facebook, users, associations, penetration, artificial, individuals, machines, online, mobile, users.
Technical Session Ten was on General Management and keywords were: enterprise, correlation, barriers, projects, software, decision, ethical, organization, situation, blockchain, social, property, cryptocurrency, encrypted.
Technical Session Eleven was the Best Paper Session and keywords were: trading, call, price, trader, option, payment, RBI, reserve, transaction, banks, financial, banking, services, inclusion, schemes.
View Abstracts:
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Michael C. Jensen and Timothy M. Devinney
MRN International Business & Management Network
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