In cooperation with the IPS Academy - Institute of Engineering & Science, the Engineering Research Network (EngRN) is pleased to announce the Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Trends in Engineering & Applications (RAITEA) 2019 eJournal. This eJournal is available to all subscribers at no charge and contains abstracts of the meeting papers with links to the full text in the SSRN eLibrary.
The first international conference "Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Trends in Engineering & Applications" was organized by IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering and Science on its 25th anniversary. The main objective of the conference was to highlight the importance of today's requirement of interdisciplinary research to develop applications based on engineering and scientific discovery. A unique focus was placed on interdisciplinary research by gathering active national and international Engineering researchers from the fields of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, and Fire & Safety Engineering. The conference helped budding researchers gain exposure and also gave them the opportunity to interact with active, established researchers around the world who serve our society with knowledge, dedication, and intelligence. The reason for focusing on interdisciplinary research trends is to pave the way for sowing seeds in young Indian minds about interdisciplinary research taking place all around the world. 65% of India's total population is under 35 years of age. For this reason, India is called the youngest nation in the world. It is our duty to motivate this new generation with scientific knowledge. These young minds must be guided in the right path and motivated throughout as they are here to change our world. The sheer number of young people will be an asset to the world if properly trained but statistics show that only 2.3% of the Indian workforce has formal training. The Center for Monitoring Indian Economy has reported that more than a crore of engineers was unemployed in 2018. The unemployment rate is 7.2% and India faced this scenario 45 years ago in 1971. Keeping this in mind we invited experts from different interdisciplinary fields from 8 countries who have contributed to human society with their scientific works. This work is unending, and we are aware that our work and service offered should continually improve.
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SSRN's searchable library contains abstracts, full bibliographic data, and author contact information for more than 867,000 papers, more than 401,600 authors, and full text for more than 738,500 papers. This content can be accessed at
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The first international conference "Recent Advances in Interdisciplinary Trends in Engineering & Applications" was organized by IPS Academy, Institute of Engineering and Science on its 25th anniversary. The main objective of the conference was to highlight the importance of today's requirement of interdisciplinary research to develop applications based on engineering and scientific discovery. A unique focus was placed on interdisciplinary research by gathering active national and international Engineering researchers from the fields of Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical, Electronics, Computer Science, and Fire & Safety Engineering. The conference helped budding researchers gain exposure and also gave them the opportunity to interact with active, established researchers around the world who serve our society with knowledge, dedication, and intelligence. The reason for focusing on interdisciplinary research trends is to pave the way for sowing seeds in young Indian minds about interdisciplinary research taking place all around the world. 65% of India's total population is under 35 years of age. For this reason, India is called the youngest nation in the world. It is our duty to motivate this new generation with scientific knowledge. These young minds must be guided in the right path and motivated throughout as they are here to change our world. The sheer number of young people will be an asset to the world if properly trained but statistics show that only 2.3% of the Indian workforce has formal training. The Center for Monitoring Indian Economy has reported that more than a crore of engineers was unemployed in 2018. The unemployment rate is 7.2% and India faced this scenario 45 years ago in 1971. Keeping this in mind we invited experts from different interdisciplinary fields from 8 countries who have contributed to human society with their scientific works. This work is unending, and we are aware that our work and service offered should continually improve.
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SSRN's searchable library contains abstracts, full bibliographic data, and author contact information for more than 867,000 papers, more than 401,600 authors, and full text for more than 738,500 papers. This content can be accessed at
SSRN supports open access by allowing authors to upload papers to the platform for free through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at - and by providing free downloading of those papers.
Downloads from SSRN in the past 12 months total more than 12 million, with more than 138.4 million downloads since inception.
Searching on an individual's name in the author field on our search page at provides a directory of scholars that includes contact information for authors, including email, postal, telephone, and fax information.
SSRN's objective is to provide rapid, worldwide distribution of research to authors and their readers and to facilitate communication among them at the lowest possible cost. In pursuit of this objective, we allow authors to upload papers without charge. And, any paper an author uploads to SSRN is downloadable for free, worldwide.
The Engineering Research Network (EngRN) hosts research content. You can subscribe to new content notifications through the SSRN User HeadQuarters at
Engineering Research Network
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