
In cooperation with JIS College of Engineering, the Education Research Network (EduRN) is pleased to announce the International Conference on Digital Pedagogies (ICDP) 2019 eJournal. This eJournal is available to all subscribers at no charge and contains abstracts of the meeting papers with links to the full text in the SSRN eLibrary.
International Conference on Digital Pedagogies (ICDP) 2019 Logo

The ICDP 2019 event aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Digital Pedagogies. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Digital Pedagogies and Educational Design.

We extend a warm invitation to scholars, researchers, academia, Media & NGOs to participate actively in the conference as the outcome promises to chart out a meaningful roadmap for application of digital pedagogies in higher education for India.

We here at JIS College of Engineering are proud of the fact that for the first time in India, way back in 2017, we launched the digital pedagogy of flipped learning for our undergraduate engineering programme with matching infrastructure of smart classes and digital studios.

We are grateful to MHRD, AICTE, the World Bank Group, NPIU, MGIEP UNESCO, Microsoft, and MAKAUT for together being our driving force in our every faltering step of the way to take India to the next level of teaching & learning.

View Papers: http://www.ssrn.com/link/2019-Int-Conf-ICDP.html
Subscribe: http://hq.ssrn.com/jourInvite.cfm?link=2019-Int-Conf-ICDP
Conference URL: http://mydigitaldreams.org/

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Education Research Network

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