Jobs & Announcements
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Professional Announcements and Job Openings on SSRN
SSRN offers a unique opportunity to promote the latest academic announcements and professional job openings through our popular email distribution service. The professional job openings and announcements are delivered directly to the subscribers of our numerous research networks across every discipline. This service ensures that the job postings and academic announcements reach a targeted audience of researchers and professionals globally. SSRN also includes the announcement or job posting on our website, which is accessed at no charge by individuals worldwide. The announcement or job posting will remain on SSRN for up to 6 months or until you ask us to remove it. Event announcements remain on the site until the event date.
SSRN has enabled hundreds of organizations fill their open positions and promote upcoming events – and we’d love to help you as well. Connect the right minds with the right disciplines and maximize your exposure for your job openings, opportunities, and other important announcements through our Jobs & Announcements placement service.
For further details, information or questions, please contact SSRN’s Jobs and Announcements Consultant, Dana Hutchinson