Affordable & Clean Energy Special Topic Hub

SSRN’s Affordable & Clean Energy Special Topic Hub provides a curated view into early-stage research addressing the challenge of providing accessible, reliable, environmentally sustainable, and affordable energy for everyone. It is vital that new energy solutions are identified and employed to mitigate climate change and promote environmental sustainability. By 2030 the United Nations is targeting five goals: ensuring universal access to modern energy; increasing the global percentage of renewable energy; doubling the improvement in energy efficiency; promoting access to research, technology, and investments in clean energy; and expanding and upgrading energy services for developing countries. This special topic hub presents insights from many disciplines that may inform the ongoing conversation about how we can help in this mission to counter climate change and eliminate reliance on fossil fuels.

SSRN, Elsevier’s world-leading platform devoted to the rapid worldwide dissemination of early-stage research, is committed to advancing societal progress through sharing quality knowledge. Research on SSRN is free to download and upload.

It is important to note that many of these papers have not been edited or benefited from the pivotal role of peer-review, which validates and improves the quality of final published journal articles.